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BLUEBERRY MUFFINS. Muffins containing blueberries can be made successfully only in blueberry season, but other fruit, as, for example, dates, may be used in place of the blueberries. Cranberries are often used in muffins, but to many persons they are not agreeable because of the excessive amount of acid they contain.

There should be something to eat, in the June woods, as perfect in its kind, as satisfying to the sense of taste, as the birds and the flowers are to the senses of sight and hearing and smell. Blueberries are good, but they are far away in July. Blackberries are luscious when they are fully ripe, but that will not be until August.

Suppose we go ashore and tackle some of those elegant blueberries ourselves? It's a shame that bears should be the only ones to enjoy such a feast. And it's tough sitting here so long!" At that Lil Artha grunted, and looking almost savagely at the speaker nodded his head while he muttered: "That settles it, my boy; I see your finish.

He strolled along, the happy, tousle-headed, barefooted youngster, eyes one moment on the trees in the hope of squirrels and birds'-nests, the next on the ground in search of the first blueberries.

Why, right in the middle of the biggest patch of the biggest blueberries he ever had seen in all his life! Now if there is any one thing that Buster Bear had rather have above another, it is all the berries he can eat, unless it be honey. Nothing can quite equal honey in Buster's mind. But next to honey give him berries. He isn't particular what kind of berries.

The hour was late; the visitors departed; first the two Surprenants, then Eutrope Gagnon, only Francois Paradis was left, standing there and seeming to hesitate. "You will sleep here to-night, Francois?" asked the father. His wife heard no reply. "Of course!" said she. "And to-morrow we will all gather blueberries. It is the feast of Ste. Anne."

Sprouts Baby Greens Salad Juices Fruit alfalfa sunflower lettuce beet grapefruit radish buckwheat celery celery lemon bean zucchini zucchini lime lime clover kale kale orange orange fenugreek endive radish parsley apple wheat tomato tomato raspberries cabbage cabbage cabbage blueberries carrot carrot grapes spinach apple peaches parsley grapefruit apricots sweet pepper lemon strawberry

This day to reduce the labour of dragging meat to the house the women and children and all the men except four were sent to live at the Indian tents. The blueberries, crow-berries, eye-berries, and cranberries, which had been covered and protected by the snow during the winter might at this time be gathered in abundance and proved indeed a valuable resource.

At first they had to lie close together at night for warmth, or rather the man had to cuddle down close to his shaggy warm companion; but spring soon passed and summer came and the two wanderers reveled in the lavish beauty and richness of nature. In many of the pastures blueberries grew in profusion and Black Bruin needed no teaching to get his share of the palatable fruit.

Intent upon making a meal of blueberries, and entirely unconscious of his impending fate, he waddled slowly and awkwardly up to within fifty yards. The Karnchadals kneeled down, threw forward their long heavy rifles, fixed their sharp-pronged rests firmly in the ground, crossed themselves devoutly three times, drew a long breath, took a deadly and deliberate aim, shut their eyes, and fired.