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Each of the party then held the blubber which sputtered and hissed more vehemently than the fattest of bacon in a cook's frying-pan to the fire. The odour was certainly not pleasant, but Nub sniffed it up, exclaiming, as he bit off a piece, "Oh, dis bery fine; it soon make us quite strong and fat, and we go a week without eating anyting else."

He quickly seated himself on a raised platform, and had done some justice to it before Nuna recovered the use of her tongue. "A Kablunet!" she exclaimed, almost solemnly. "Is he dead?" Okiok paused, with a lump of blubber in his fingers close to his mouth. "No; he is alive. At least he was alive when I left him. If he has not died since, he is alive still."

"I only hope it good to eat; and de sooner me cut some blubber and cook it, de better. Mr Shobbrok, you got tinder-box and flint and steel?" "Yes," answered the mate, "I always carry them; though, as we cannot light a fire on the raft, I have hitherto made no use of them. But how do you propose lighting one on the top of the whale, Nub?"

Colter also returned this evening unsuccessfull from the chase, having been absent since the 1st Inst. Capt. Clark determined this evening to set out early tomorrow with two canoes and 12 men in quest of the whale, or at all events to purchase from the Indians a parcel of the blubber, for this purpose he prepared a small assortment of merchandize to take with him.

Suddenly they came like a flood bursting the gates that confined it, and he choked and sobbed like a little girl. He leaned upon his musket, covering his face with his arm. "It's a hard case," said private Hapgood, who stood next to him in the ranks. "I didn't think it would take me down like this," sobbed Tom. "Don't blubber, Tom.

He stood watching her, making sure that she was well asleep, then he turned towards the seal nursery swinging the axe. There he murdered a little girl sea elephant after a short, sharp chase over the rocks. Then, close to the caves and with his sailor's knife, he stripped her of fur and blubber.

"Youh'd beat our dogs, eh? Well, I'll show youh, youh oily, tallow-eatin' husky!" He called the dogs, and stooping to the treasured mass of blubber threw a great mass to the howling animals. "Ha! ha! ha! guess youh thought youh were smart, eh?" A second team of dogs, released from their tethering, came wildly dashing shoreward. The whaler seized another mass of meat and flung it to the animals.

Many women, in being with child, on seeing a hare cross the road in front of them, will, through the force of imagination, bring forth a child with a hairy lip. Some children are born with flat noses and wry mouths, great blubber lips and ill-shaped bodies; which must be ascribed to the imagination of the mother, who has cast her eyes and mind upon some ill-shaped creature.

I felt much interest in these details; and my companion went into the whole history of a whaling expedition, describing the first discovery of the huge fish from the ship; the pursuit in the boats, and the harpooning of the whale; its struggles after having been wounded; its being towed to the ship's side; the subsequent manufacture of oil from the blubber of the animal, and the preparation of whalebone.

Each struck his lance into the blubber, steadying himself by its handle; and each eyed the other in a way that betokened feelings awakened to a keen desire to defend his rights. It is a fault of American character, a fruit of the institutions, beyond a doubt, that renders men unusually indisposed to give up.