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She knew the difference between the sound of a blow-out and the back-firing of an irritated engine. But some abysmal instinct made her suddenly cautious, though with that same instinct her inner panic developed. What had she heard? "I put on a 'spare, anyway," Burke was saying. "The rear right looked a little weak, so I changed it."

Another name for it is the descending thoracic aorta, and that is where grandfather's trouble is. If you knew something about automobile tires I would explain it by saying that he had a blow-out, but it's something like this. The pipe has an outer surface and an inner lining.

"Well, if you're all nuts on my having some, I guess there's nothing else for it. Here goes! What a life!" "The Sisterhood of the Sausage," murmured Jess fatuously. "Don't make such a fuss; you know you're enjoying it, old sport," said Wendy. "It isn't every day in your life you can come and have a blow-out on Crusoe Island."

The return of the morgue master to the platform caused Coroner Penfield to break off his whispered conversation with Dr. Mayo. "Colonel McIntyre just telephoned that his car had a blow-out on the way here," explained the morgue master. "He will arrive shortly." Penfield consulted a list of names. "Call Grimes, the McIntyre butler," he said. "We will hear him while waiting for the Colonel."

"Now you fellows break away," said the foreman, for the strikers had turned and were walking with the others. "Reckon you don't own the sidewalk, do you?" said one of the men, and the foreman was silent. "Didn't think you'd shake us like this Billy," began the striker. "We intended to take you into the order to-day an' end up with a good big blow-out to-night. It's all right Billy.

The real duty of a young man who is a "guest" on a motor trip on which a "blow-out" occurs is, of course, to keep the ladies of the party amused during the delay. This can be accomplished by any of the conventional methods, such as card tricks, handsprings, and other feats of athletic agility, or making funny jokes about the host who is at work on the tire.

Siddy, you jist 'tend to your own business. What's all this blow-out about, anyway?" "It's one of the widow's parties that she's always having. This time it's for the Welshman and his sons, on account of that scrape they helped her out of the other night. And say I can tell you something, if you want to know." "Well, what?" "Why, old Mr.

The menagerie: lions, leopards, and a grand dompteuse; and afterwards dinner with me at the Cafe Blanche. I want a blow-out of lions and that sort. I'd like to be a lion-tamer myself for a month, or as long as might be." He caught Jacques by the shoulders he had not done so since that memorable day at Ridley Court. "See, Jacques, we'll do this every year.

"I will hear what you have to say," returned the master of the Hall briefly. "Well, sir, you know it was Dick's birthday yesterday, and we boys thought we would celebrate a bit. So we had a little blow-out in our room." "Was that the noise I heard last night?" "The noise you heard was from our room, yes. But that isn't what I was getting at," stammered Sam.

This service, she estimated, would take half an hour of the proprietor's time, if he moved with the customary deliberation of his class, and would, of course, make superfluous any explanation of her wait in the garage, and of her nervousness, if he happened to be sufficiently observant to notice that. It was really fortunate that the blow-out had occurred.