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"It has been removed to the vault which he usually occupied," replied Judith. "Mr. Chowles has undertaken to bury it to-night." "I must see it first," replied Hodges, "and be sure that he has not met with foul play." "And I will accompany you," said Chowles. "So you do not want a coffin, Mr. Bloundel?" The grocer shook his head. "Good day, Mr. Bloundel," said Hodges.

Were I in your place, Amabel, I would not only forget my present perfidious lover, but would instantly bestow my affections on some worthy person." "It would gladden me if she would do so," said Mrs. Bloundel. "There is your father's apprentice, Leonard Holt, a good-looking, well-grown lad," pursued the doctor; "and I much mistake if he is insensible to your attractions."

At this moment they observed a horseman, richly attired, and followed by a couple of attendants, riding rapidly towards them. Both instantly recognised him. The apprentice's cheek and brow flushed with anger, and Mr. Bloundel had much ado to control his emotion.

"I trust otherwise," replied the grocer, kindly. "Your trials have been very great, and so were those of the poor creature we both of us deplore. But she is at peace, and therefore we need not lament her." "Alas!" exclaimed Leonard, mournfully, "I am now only anxious to rejoin her." "It is selfish, if not sinful, to grieve in this way," rejoined Mr. Bloundel, somewhat sternly.

Bloundel. "I was listening at my chamber door to hear her depart, and when I caught the sound of her footsteps, I could no longer control myself." So saying, she rushed to her daughter, and clasped her in her arms. Affectionately returning her mother's embrace, Amabel gave her hand to her father, who conducted her to the little room overlooking the street.

Way was instantly made for him, and leaping over the piles of chests and goods that blocked up the thoroughfare, he flew to Mr. Bloundel, who was standing in front of his flaming habitation with as calm and unmoved an expression of countenance as if nothing was happening, and presently ascertained from him in what manner the fire had originated.

But I caution you to keep better guard upon your tongue for the future, especially when addressing one who has earned his laurels under King Charles the Martyr." "I have no especial reverence for the monarch you served under," replied Bloundel; "but he would have blushed to own such a follower."

"Ay, so long," repeated the doctor. "It has scarcely begun now. Your father is right to adopt these precautions. It is the only way to insure the safety of his family." "But " cried Amabel. "I am resolved," interrupted Bloundel, peremptorily. "Who ever leaves the house if but for a moment never returns." "And when do you close it, father?" asked Amabel.

Bloundel heaved a sigh, but said no more; and the grocer, retiring to a side-table, opened the Bible, and sat down calmly to its perusal. But though no further remonstrances reached his ears, there was great murmuring in the kitchen on the part of Blaize and Patience. "Goodness knows what will become of us!" cried the latter. "I expect we shall all be burnt alive, owing to our master's obstinacy.

Bloundel would have been equally delighted with the change, if it had tended to forward her own favourite scheme of a union with Leonard; but as this was not the case, though she rejoiced in the improvement, she still was not entirely satisfied. She could not help noting also, that her daughter had become pale and thin, and though she uttered no complaint, Mrs.