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The trapper's visits to the Mexican settlements, or to the lodges of a tribe of Indians, for the purpose of trading, often resulted in his returning to his quiet camp with a woman to grace his solitary home, the loving and lonely couple as devoted to each other in the midst of blood-thirsty enemies, howling wolves, and panthers, as if they were in some quiet country village.

All around us were islands, most of them, we had reason to fear, inhabited by treacherous and blood-thirsty savages. We, of course, did not express our anxiety to the ladies, who, however, I thought, began to suspect that the vessel was in danger, although they said nothing.

"I have cause to hate them," answered Mikail, with darkening brow and heaving bosom. "You are right, Mikail," answered the Governor, eagerly; "they are a despicable, blood-thirsty race." "But how will a crusade against the Hebrews relieve the troubled condition of Russia?" inquired another of the gentlemen. "It will divert the attention of the masses from their present sinister projects.

Fry made assertions and gave instances which Lord Sidmouth assumed to doubt. Further than this, he was seriously annoyed at the noise this question of capital punishment was making in the land, and though not necessarily a cruel or blood-thirsty man, the Home Secretary shrank from meddling too much with the criminal code of England.

His so-called subjects were the most notorious and daring pirates in the history of the world; they were head-hunters, they practised slavery, and they were cruel and blood-thirsty on land and sea. Out of such elements this boy king built his kingdom. How he did it would furnish tales that would outdo Verne, Kingston, and Stevenson.

As she looked in this direction, the thief-taker raised his eyes those gray, blood-thirsty eyes! their glare froze the life-blood in her veins. As she averted her gaze, a terrible idea crossed her. Why was he there? why did the tempter dare to invade that sacred spot! She could not answer her own questions, but vague fearful suspicions passed through her mind.

Stephen, I think we had better see the thing through here." "All right, Quatermain. Only I hope that Mavovo is wrong in thinking that those blackguards may change their minds and run away." "Really, young man, you are becoming very blood-thirsty for an orchid grower," I remarked, looking at him.

Clearly his English could not bear him out this time. He said a few words in Burmese to Mr. Haydon. "They are casting lots," said the latter to Jack. "What for, I wonder?" said Jack. "Seems a queer thing." "They're a queer little crew," returned his father. "As savage and blood-thirsty as so many ferrets. We shall soon see."

For my religious principles, at which you have scoffed, believe me, that though they depend not on set forms, they are no less sincere than your own, and thus far purer excuse the word that they are unmingled with the blood-thirsty dictates of a barbarous age, which you and others have called the code of chivalrous honour.

He could tell by their faces that they realized that he was leaving something out; they had watched him go down to face a blood-thirsty mob, and had seen that mob become docile as lambs as though by magic. Clearly they could not understand what had happened, yet they did not ask him. "So it was Fuzzy's idea to volunteer as a new host for the creatures," Jack said. Dal nodded.