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"Did 'e ask you to let 'im 'ide 'ere?" "Ye-es;" said Martha, hesitating; "but I refused to do it. God knows how willing how willing I would be to shelter and save him if I could!" "Would you shelter a guilty man?" demanded the Bloater, sternly. "I don't know that he is guilty," said Martha, evasively. "But, tell me, what did Mrs Dashwood want with you?"

He read a third time, then returned the letter to its envelope, put it in his pocket, and sat down again to his book. He was summoned to breakfast in ten minutes. His mother was alone in the kitchen; she gave him his bloater and his cup of coffee, and he cut himself a solid slice of bread and butter. 'Was the letter for you? she asked.

With that observation the Bloater and Little Jim went away to search for and appropriate some convenient place of repose for the night. Seated by the fire-side of Joe Dashwood's new abode for the old one, although not quite "burnt out," was uninhabitable Bob Clazie chatted and smoked his pipe contentedly.

Turning abruptly into a dark passage, Sparks rushed upstairs, burst open a door and fell exhausted on the floor of the cheerless room occupied by poor Martha Reading. Almost at the same moment the two boys, who were at least a hundred yards in advance of the other pursuers, sprang into the room. "Ha! run you down at last, have we?" gasped the Bloater.

But in London we are familiar with the kipper, the red herring, and the Yarmouth bloater, and to see how they are prepared for consumption I leave the marketalways wet and fishy and slipperyand make my way to the extensive premises on the beach belonging to Mr.

Her box arrived in the course of the evening, when Mavis set about making the room look as homelike as possible. This done, she made further inroads on her midday purchases of bread and bloater paste, washed, fed her baby, and said her prayers before undressing for the night. At ten o'clock, mother and child were asleep.

In twelve hours they are sufficiently smoked, and then you have the real Yarmouth bloater. I am glad I have seen the process, as I have a horrible suspicion that the costermonger manufactures many a Yarmouth bloater in some filthy Whitechapel slum, the odour of which by no means tends to improve the flavour of so delicate a fish.

During this outburst, Mr Sparks had quietly faced the excited boy, watching his opportunity to make a dash at him, but the appearance of a policeman put a sudden termination to the riot by inducing the Bloater and Little Jim to shoulder their brooms and fly. But he had not yet done with the Bloater.

"I say, that's drawin' it rather fine, ain't it?" said the Bloater, screwing up one eyebrow and turning towards Little Jim; but that small youth was so touched with the poor girl's sorrow and so attracted by her countenance, that he had quite forgotten his patron for the moment. Going towards her, he laid his dirty little hand on her knee, and looked up in her face.

He pointed to the returning engine, and looked at Little Jim with solemnity; whereupon Jim displayed all his teeth, nodded approval of the sentiment, and "sk!" "Little Jim," continued the Bloater, shaking his head gravely, "they do say them as knows best, or thinks they does, which is all the same that there's wit in silence; if so, it appears to me that you tries to be too witty at times."