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The weight of the body forced it open, and the son and brother rolled in upon the floor, with the blood gushing from a ghastly wound in his forehead. His assailant instantly fled. Bloated, disfigured, in coarse and worn clothing, how different, even when moving about, was he from the genteel, well-dressed young man of a few years back!

Her black hair stood out on her forehead in curly ringlets; her unhealthy, bloated, white face was pretty and very calm, only her shining-black, squinting eyes sparkled from under their swollen lashes. "You may talk here," said the inspector and went aside. Nekhludoff moved toward a bench standing beside the wall.

The policeman fumbled with the lock, threw back the lid, and simultaneously gave vent to a terrific yell, as he flung himself violently backwards. For from the open box rose the writhing forms of half a dozen big cobras, their hoods flattened and arched, vicious and ready to strike, whilst over one of the corners came gliding the broad flattened head and bloated body of a huge puff-adder.

Steele and me leaning over the side of the boat following the uncertain motions of a bloated crab-like monster crawling along the bottom of the deep. "Why, that's the diver," explains Mrs. Steele. "You see that rubber tube one end is attached to the machine on the schooner, the other to his helmet; he breathes through that. They are pumping air through it every moment."

The woman beckoned to their travelling companions a lame fellow of middle age who, propped on crutches, leaned against the wall, an older pock-marked man with a bloated face, and the sickly girl calling to them in the harsh, metallic voice peculiar to hawkers and elderly singers at fairs. "Help Cyriax hide. You first, Jungel! They needn't recognise him as soon as they get in.

I went well-nigh out of my wits when I beheld this rat; for, laugh at me as you may, it fixed upon me, I thought, a perfectly human expression of malice; and, as it shuffled about and looked up into my face almost from between my feet, I saw, I could swear it I felt it then, and know it now, the infernal gaze and the accursed countenance of my old friend in the portrait, transfused into the visage of the bloated vermin before me.

Here, put your thumb on that catch," and he drew out the major's bag, the one, of course, that Jefferson unpacked, with the galvanized-iron clasps and paper-leather sides. The bag seemed more rotund, and heavier, and more important looking than when I handled it that afternoon in front of Delmonico's, presenting a well-fed, even a bloated, appearance.

Across the field came pounding a great black horse, a fine big-boned brute; on him rode a tall, heavy man who must once have been of the handsomest, since even yet, in spite of years, bloated face, and careless attire, he retained a sort of dissolute beauty. He was of huge frame and had black eyes, a red mouth, and wore his own thick and curling though grizzled black hair.

A howling hubbub arose, a confused sound of booing and groaning, and the carriage was soon surrounded by grimed men, gesticulating and shouting. "Yer bloated parasites, yer!" cried a young fellow, catching at the door-handle on Lord Fontenoy's side; "we'll make a d d end o' yer afore we've done wi' yer. Who asked yer to come meddlin in Malford d n yer!"

"As an apothecary drug, Its wondrous virtues some will plead; And hence we find the stupid Slug A morning dram does often need. "Fatigue or want of appetite At noon will crave a little more, And so the same complaints at night Are just as urgent as before. "By want of sleep, and this and that, His thirst for liquor is increased; Till he becomes a bloated sot The very scarlet-colored beast.