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Then quietly, and looking for a moment singularly like a big, unhappy child, she asked: "Will you blease dell me, sir, why they will not give me the law of that dirty little man?" I knew and too well; but I could not tell her. "You see," I said, "it's just a case of your word against his."

Allusion has been made to the battalion mess of bully and "M. and V." Another part of the British issue ration was dried vegetables, which the soldiers nicknamed "grass stew," much to the annoyance of one Lt. Blease, our American censor who read all our letters in England to see that we did not criticise our Allies. One day at Soyla grass stew was on the menu, says a corporal.

At last, a solitary pedestrian came into view, a young man in a top hat and overcoat, walking rapidly. Mrs. Hooven held out a quivering hand as he passed her. "Say, say, den, Meest'r, blease hellup a boor womun." The other hurried on. The fish course was grenadins of bass and small salmon, the latter stuffed, and cooked in white wine and mushroom liquor. "I have read your poem, of course, Mr.

Mebbe get a chance to even up with Garman." Roger selected a high spoil bank near the center of the muck land as his post. From there he could see any one who approached from the river or from the cypress swamp. Blease took up a hidden position in the elderberry jungle, from which he could cover the open prairie toward Garman's, and Higgins secreted himself in the palmetto scrub of Flower Prairie.

"If I'm mistaken, Miss Luella, and blease God I should be, then excuse me for a foolish old woman, but is is everything all right with you, Miss Luella?" "Mrs. Neugass, I What do you mean?" "I took you in for a student, a girl alone from her home town, but not once since you're with us I can't help it I got eyes so much as a postal card.

The women went on their way. The next person to whom she applied was a young girl of about eighteen, very prettily dressed. "Say, say, den, blease hellup a boor womun." In evident embarrassment, the young girl paused and searched in her little pocketbook. "I think I have I think I have just ten cents here somewhere," she murmured again and again.

The political success of Blease of South Carolina, Vardaman of Mississippi, and the late Jeff. Davis of Arkansas is largely due to their appeal to these types of whites. The negro on the other hand may resent the assumption of superiority on the part of men perhaps less efficient than himself. Obviously friction may arise under such conditions.

He could not see Flower Prairie from his post, but Blease could; and he knew that the squatter was on the alert, ready to throw in aid of Higgins. He kept his own position because all three had agreed that Garman's gang would attack from several directions. If a single shot answered Higgins the latter could deal with his adversary; if it was a volley Roger and Blease would rush to his assistance.

They had left behind them a flask full of colorless liquid, one whiff of which proved its contents to be moonshine whisky. "Queer thing," said Blease. "Reckon they must have left in a hurry or they'd never have forgot their licker." Higgins and Roger preceded cautiously over the tract, making sure that no guards lay hidden in the ditches. The trails left by the departing men were easily followed.

And he realized that this was what Garman had foreseen and planned for when he digged the pit the sense of imprisonment and the desperate attempt to break out, regardless of consequences. "He's too smart to be just a man, Garman is," droned Blease; but Roger stopped him. "He's nothing but a man; nothing but a man who likes to hurt. Don't let me hear you say he's anything but that."