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She tried to remember how tramps who had appeared at her back door on Los Muertos had addressed her; how and with what formula certain mendicants of Bonneville had appealed to her. Then, having settled upon a phrase, she approached a whiskered gentleman with a large stomach, walking briskly in the direction of the town. "Say, den, blease hellup a boor womun." The gentleman passed on.

"And come in a hurry, Garman, if you intend to get her; because if you wait long you won't find her here." Garman appeared not to hear; but he swung the canoe round furiously, and paddled out of sight down the river. Higgins and Blease returned soon afterward, each reporting that the guards to the northward had departed, apparently in the same hurried fashion as those on the muck land.

Then with a movement of relieved tension he threw his rifle over a shoulder and started to walk easily in the direction toward which he had gazed. Roger followed him on the run. When he came to the little spring lake in the prairie he saw Blease squatting on his heels calmly regarding Higgins who, at the lakeside, was carefully washing the bloody shoulder of the Seminole, Willy High Pockets.

Young man, are you afraidt?" "No," protested young Markley indignantly, "but " "Budt what, eh? Answer me dot, blease. Budt vot?" The belligerent German advanced till his pudgy forefinger was shaking under Markley's aristocratic nose. "Well, they say, you know, that Madero isn't very gentle to his prisoners, especially when they happen to be gringoes." "There, there, Markley," said Mr.

And vill you blease, Mary Devine, dell dose natives outside to stop those damdt drums vile I speaks?

Then they threw some lead into the tents, and Blease and I had quite a time holding 'em off. Blease got one of 'em; saw them carrying him away too dead to skin. Then we heard three quick shots, repeated three times down on the muck lands, and the shooting up here quit pronto. "After a while it got through my thick head what had happened.

"I don't wait any longer," said Higgins, loading his rifle. "Soon as good shooting light comes I start doing business." The others followed his example, and Blease led the way by a tortuous path through the elderberry jungle to a point near Deer Hammock. They crawled forward, ready to cover the pair of guards at the head of the canal. Blease was in the lead.

Blease in a Balaklava, showing nose like an Arctic explorer, got into a black oilskin, one corner of which had been repaired with a large yellow patch, he then rolled up in oddments collected from the company, as his own overcoat had been stolen, and bound it all together by tying the many coloured knitted rug around him, after putting the lamp out inadvertently with his head.

"Darn it all, Willy, why didn't you sing out, why didn't you sing out?" the engineer chattered in deep self-reproach. "Holy smoked fish! I wouldn't have had this happen for a farm; you know that, Willy. Hold steady; that's the stuff. Hell, Willy, I'll kick myself for the rest of my natural!" "'Twon't hurt him none; a little bleeding's good in this weather," drawled Blease.

"Dese men haf tiger faces.... I shall send somebody to vetch mein bits of dings." "Where are you going, sir?" "Vere it shall blease Gott," returned Pons' universal legatee with supreme indifference. "Send me word," said Villemot. Fraisier turned to the head-clerk. "Go after him," he whispered. Mme. Cantinet was left in charge, with a provision of fifty francs paid out of the money that they found.