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We'll grant 'im a reprieve. Fetch that stool, an' sit down beside me there. Now, Mr Sparks, alias Blazes, no doubt you're a precious specimen of hinnocent 'unmanity, ain't you?" Sparks made no reply, but scowled at the boy with a look of deadly hatred. "Well, upon my word," resumed the Bloater, with a smile, "if I kep' a menagerie, I'd offer you five 'undred a year to represent a Tasmanian devil.

"What the blazes they wanted." "Want your booze," cried the child, with an elfish laugh, as she shook back her tangled hair. "Get out, you whelp," croaked the old hag, shaking one skinny fist at her, "or I'll tear yer 'eart out." "Yes, she can go." said Kilsip, nodding to the girl, "and you can clear, too," he added, sharply, turning to the young man, who stood still holding the door open.

Scaliger's notes converted a classic into a new and precious edition of one example. Casaubon's, on the other hand, were mere scratches and mnemonic lines and blurs, with which he marked his passage through a book, as roughly as the American woodsman "blazes" his way through a forest. "None could read the comment save himself," and the text was disfigured.

I profit by the moment to disperse the remains of the feast; the major crosses the dormitory at a quick step, swearing, threatening to take us all into custody and to put us in stocks. We are convulsed with laughter under our coverings; a trumpet-flourish blazes from the other side of the dormitory.

Not a moment is lost; a ring is made; the course is thronged with soldiers; the champions engage; a din arises; the crowd of onlookers shouts in discord, each backing his own. And so the valour of the champions blazes to white-heat; falling dead under the wounds dealt by one another, they end together the combat and their lives.

Come out 'ere an' come back with me." "Come to," laughed Simmons, sending a cartridge home with his thumb. "Not before I've settled you an' Jerry Blazes." The Corporal was lying at full length in the dust of the parade- ground, a rifle under him. Some of the less cautious men in the distance shouted: "Shoot 'im! Shoot 'im, Slane!"

"Well, there's lots of 'em need it," he said in his gruff voice. "There's the blankest lot of fools on these ranches you ever seen." Shock became alert. He was on the track of business. "What's wrong with them?" he enquired. "Wrong? Why, they aint got no sense. They stock up with cattle, horses, and outfit to beat creation, and then let the whole thing go to blazes."

After years of weary labor, of heart-breaking disappointments, of dreary obscurity, genius sometimes blazes out for a brief period to dazzle humanity; and quite as often never blazes, but disappears without a triumph. "To such life is not a battle, but a campaign with ten defeats, yea, twenty defeats to one victory. "Miss Anderson will think us harsh and unkind in this.

All the vast walls are made wholly of these precious stones, worked in, and in and in together in elaborate pattern s and figures, and polished till they glow like great mirrors with the pictured splendors reflected from the dome overhead. And before a statue of one of those dead Medicis reposes a crown that blazes with diamonds and emeralds enough to buy a ship-of-the-line, almost.

Riders threaded through alleys and cross streets; lamps flared up in house windows. There was a pounding on doors, and shouted greetings. Fire made a splash of angry color at the depot, to be answered with similar blazes at the warehouses. "Spur up those crowbaits of yours, boys!" Quirk rounded up the scouts. "We're out for horses only the best, remember that!"