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But to me, a dreamer of dreams, To whom what is and what seems Are often one and the same, The Bells of San Blas to me Have a strange wild melody, And are something more than a name." "Ah, vas I not right, Madame Steele? I vill learn zo beautiful Eenglish on dthis voyage." On the fifth day out from San Francisco we make the harbour of Mazatlan, on the Mexican coast.

For picturesqueness of manner, note so trivial a thing as the turn of his hand in beckoning from a window, in Ruy Blas, to a personage down in an outer courtyard to come up; or his assumption of the Duke's livery in the same scene; or his writing a letter from dictation.

I'm a white man, j'sht un homme blanc, j'sht Americain; I'm from the Unyted States, I am! Sacré bleu! Health to all!" "Health, monsieur!" "Health, monsieur!" "A thousand thanks." "Set 'em up again, baptème, you blas' Canayjin nigger!" "What does he say!" inquired the landlord, on the verge of being offended.

"As much as a friend cares to know?" She nodded, flushing, and dropped the subject. Cliffe's mouth still smiled, but his eyes studied her with a veiled and sinister intensity. "I have not seen the lady for a week," he resumed. "She pesters me with notes. I promised to go and see her in a new play to-morrow night, but " "Oh, go!" said Kitty "by all means go!" "'Ruy Blas' in Italian? I think not.

‘I am not of your country, sir; but I have an infinite veneration for your country, as Strap said to the French soldier. Will you take a glass of wine?’ ‘Ah, de tout mon cœur, as the parasite said to Gil Blas,’ cried the young man, laughing. ‘Here’s to our better acquaintance!’

Harrison, stretching out his right leg, and falling away a little to the left, in the manner adopted by the renowned Gil Blas, in his address to the fair Laura, "well enough; but he's a little too tall and thin, I think." Mr. Harrison's faults in shape were certainly not those of being too tall and thin.

After dinner Lady Delacour having made Belinda protest and blush, and blush and protest, that her head was not running upon the twisted note, began the history of her life and opinions in the following manner: "I do nothing by halves, my dear. I shall not tell you my adventures as Gil Blas told his to the Count d'Olivarez skipping over the useful passages.

"Oh," said Lemercier, conceitedly, and passing his hand through his scented locks, "women are different; love levels all ranks. I don't blame Ruy Blas for accepting the love of a queen, but I do blame him for passing himself off as a noble, a plagiarism, by the by, from an English play. I do not love the English enough to copy them. A propos, what has become of ce beau Grarm Varn?

And this approaching destruction of England now generally believed in was like the sound of a trumpet throughout Catholic Europe. The roads were trampled with levies of fresh troops from Spain, Naples, Corsica, the States of the Church, the Milanese, Germany, Burgundy. Blas Capizucca was sent in person to conduct reinforcements from the north of Italy.

The night was dark and dreary, and our first entrance was into a kitchen, such as my imagination had pictured the subterraneous one of the robbers in Gil Blas. Here we underwent the ceremony of having our pocket-books searched for papers and letters, and our trunks rummaged for knives and fire-arms.