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You know by the sound of his voice, don't you?" Bill paused and the young fellow agreed readily. "Well how do you know a blanked son of a she jackass when you see him?" Again Bill paused. There was no reply. "Well," said Bill, resuming his deliberate drawl. "I'll give you the information without extra charge. It's by the sound he makes when he opens his blanked jaw."

"Well," he drawled out, bringing his bronco to a dead stop in a single bound, "he's lit." "Lit? Where? What?" said I, looking round for an eagle or some other flying thing. "Your blanked Sky Pilot, and he's a beauty, a pretty kid looks too tender for this climate. Better not let him out on the range." Hi was quite disgusted, evidently. "What's the matter with him, Hi?" "Why, HE ain't no parson!

With a heart which beat a little quicker, not indeed from fear, but from uncertainty and anxiety, Edward obeyed the summons. He found the two gentlemen standing together, an air of complacent dignity on the brow of the Baron, while something like sullenness or shame, or both, blanked the bold visage of Balmawhapple.

There was a chorus of very hearty approvals of Bill's course in "not taking any water" from that variously characterized "outfit." But the responsibility of the situation began to dawn upon them when some one asked: "How are you going about it, Bill?" "Well," drawled Bill, with a touch of sarcasm in his voice, "there's that pinto." "Pinto be blanked!" said young Hill.

And as for the others, he thought that the pall-bearers had a blanked sight more to do with the plantin' than them giddy mourners." But when they gathered at the Meredith ranch to carry out The Pilot to his grave it was felt that the Foothill Country was called to a new experience. They were all there.

'That knocks me out, I reckon, he muttered, in a disappointed tone; 'I ain't up to that grade. And as Craig described the heroism called for, the magnificence of the fight, the worth of it, and the outcome of it all, Abe ground out: I'll be blanked if I wouldn't like to take a hand, but I guess I'm not in it. Craig finished by saying 'I want to put this quite fairly.

A daring robbery had been attempted, but police detection methods had yielded advance warning, and the robbers had been frustrated. The roboguards had been specially equipped ones which could shift to an alternate wavelength in case of emergency; they had blanked out only momentarily. And special guards had been posted within the bank, ready to charge out.

A little of it is all right the boys understand that; but have you thought what it means to you and me if these blanked reformers get in, if a feller like Austen Vane is nominated?" That cold, hard glitter which we have seen was in Mr. Bascom's eyes. "You fellers have got the colic," was the remark of the arch-rebel. "Do you think old Hilary doesn't know what he's about?"

"I guess I'll take the check. You may have the building and the hundred and sixty blanked acres, scarcely ten of them broken. It's easier peddling pictures than farming, any day, and no one else would buy it in the circumstances. It's not even mine without the patent, and if I die in the meantime you'll get nothing."

"Get out, blast ye," shouted the other, shoving him aside with his elbow. "Get out, you blanked deaf and dumb fool. Get out." The man staggered, recovered himself, and gazed at the speaker in silence. "Those damned furriners should be kept under," opined the amiable Donkin to the forecastle. "If you don't teach 'em their place they put on you like anythink."