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Even if there had been the money to send me along with her, we wouldn't have felt the need of it. I could have staked my life on that child. Not that I'm blaming her, only I God! I could have staked my life." "He's " "Already married. She wrote me the whole story two years ago. It's an old one. So old it's got barnacles. I sometimes wonder it came to me with the terrible shock it did.

"Well, they say now, mind, I'm only telling you what people say so there's no use in your blaming me for it that Carl and a lot of other boys were fishing eels over the bridge one evening last week. Mrs. Carr drove past in that old rattletrap buggy of hers with the open back. And Carl he just up and threw a big eel into the back. When poor old Mrs.

Such was the state of my native land. And yet no one complained all were ready to struggle on in the cause of Liberty; blaming, not those who had risen to fight for freedom, but the tyranny of their oppressors as the cause of all they endured.

I am not blaming you. You have never pretended to be anything but what you are. I blame myself for hoping thinking but, by George, you'd be an utter dead weight on a man if it was ever up to you to face an epidemic, or run a risk, or do one-twentieth of the things that those very ancestors of yours, that you're so proud of, used to do!" Sally set her teeth.

I have deceived you in many ways; you know that well enough " "As I now know your purpose," I answered. "But why didn't you trust me at first, Anne? When we were in London? Don't think I'm blaming you, I'm not, really; but surely you must have known, even then, that you might have trusted me, yes, and Mary, too."

I have been blaming myself for taking your mother out; but the truth is that on these lakes it is really impossible to tell for half an hour what the next half hour may bring forth." The one other incident of our visit to lake-land which I will record, was our visit to Wordsworth. For my part I managed to incur his displeasure while yet on the threshold of his house.

'Oh yes only Catherine paused and then added hurriedly, as though drawn on in spite of herself by the grave sympathy of his look, 'I never knew anybody so good who thought himself of so little account. He always believed that he had missed everything, wasted everything, and that anybody else would have made infinitely more out of his life. He was always blaming, scourging himself.

After that splendid riding and the perfect day, father, Leon, and Laddie came home blaming every one, and finding fault, and trying to explain how it happened, that the people from the east side claimed two foxes, and there was only one left for the west side, when they had seen and knew they had driven three for miles. They said they lost them in our Big Woods. I didn't care one speck.

"O, mother," sobbed Louise, returning with the water, "I didn't mean to be so hasty; but you might have known I would: you should have sent me out of the room." This was very much the way Prudy talked when she did wrong: she had a funny way of blaming other people. It is always unsafe to tell even joyful news too suddenly; but Louise's thoughtlessness had not done so much harm as they all feared.

Blaming himself for a too hasty condemnation of the stranger, who though visually a little too assured was civil enough verbally, Somerset proceeded with the young photographer to sundry corners of the outer ward, and thence across the moat to the field, suggesting advantageous points of view.