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We should have been finished last week, but we have another week to go, at least unless some bumble-fingered beanbrain gets another bright idea that sets us back again. I'm sick to death of it!" "I know, I know," Blalok said soothingly, "and I'm sorry." "Sorry? What good is that? You and Jordan come up here in relays. Just what do you think you'll find?

And that old cliche about an ounce of prevention is truer of livestock raising than anything else I can think of." "I have some more good news for you," Blalok said. "That's why I came over. We're going to have another species to treat and vaccinate." Kennon groaned. "Now what?" "Poultry." Blalok's voice was disgusted. "Personally I think it's a mess, but Alexander thinks it's profitable.

"I hope so," Blalok said as he braked the jeep to a stop in front of the hospital. "I suppose you'll want to take some things along." "So I will," Kennon said. "I'll be back in a minute." Kennon slid from the seat, leaving Blalok looking peculiarly at his departing back.

He seemed out of place on this tropic world, but Kennon reflected wryly that there was probably more than one misplaced human here, himself included. "I've been going over Station Fourteen's records with Jordan, Blalok said as he ushered them into the house. A tall black-haired man rose as they entered. "Skip the formality, Jordan. Sit down," Alexander said, "and meet Dr.

"I can't see anything in this but trouble." Kennon nodded. "And he's forgotten something else," Blalok added. "Poultry need concentrated feed. We're going to have to install a feed mill." Kennon chuckled. "I hope he'll appreciate the bill he gets." "He thinks we can use local labor," Blalok said gloomily. "I wish he'd realize that Lani are technological morons." "They could learn."

"Our parasite can't have had time to migrate too far. We have him pinpointed unless say how many training centers are there?" "Three," Jordan said. "Quarantine them," Kennon replied. "Right now. Nothing goes in or out until we've checked them and completed prophylaxis." Jordan looked at Blalok inquiringly. "He's the boss," Blalok said. "Do as you're told. This is his problem."

And the losses will keep on increasing. Apparently you don't know what it is to live with parasites so let me tell you. It isn't pleasant!" Blalok shrugged. "You needn't get hot about it," he said. "After all, you're the Doc and we'll co-operate." Jordan nodded. "We will," he said. "All the way."

Three more days and the old spacer would be as ready to fly as she would ever be. And after that, it was in the lap of fate. He ushered Blalok to his jeep and watched until he disappeared. "I'm getting to be a first-class liar," he remarked wryly to himself as he turned back to the temporary quarters he was occupying at the station. "And the bad thing about it is that I'm actually enjoying it."

The hospital was operating as a hospital should, with a staff of twelve Lani kept busy checking the full wards. Actually, it was working better than it should, since stationmasters all over the island were now shipping in sick animals rather than treating them or requesting outpatient service. "Hi, Doc," Blalok said as he pushed the door open and looked into the office. "You doing anything?"

This isn't a Jac Kennon admiration society. I called you because I want to expand the Lani breeding program." "Why?" Jordan asked. Blalok stiffened. "You know my feeling about that, sir. I've never liked the idea of selling them. If that's what's in your mind " Alexander shook his head. "Simmer down," he said, as he seated himself at the head of the table. "There's going to be no selling.