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De Blacquaire's critical eye the young man was evidently not a gentleman. He had not heard him speak as yet, but could well afford to make up his mind without that. Nobody but a boof could have employed Reuben's tailor or his shoemaker. As for the girl, she looked like a lily in a kitchen-garden, a flower among the coarse and commonplace things of every-day consumption.

He listened to the General's story sympathetically, but he gave his judgment with a twinkle of the eye. 'The same old Quixote, eh, George? De Blacquaire's right, of course absolutely right. And as for you, my boy, you haven't got a leg to stand on.

De Blacquaire's crutches had long since ceased to crunch along the road towards the hospital, and Jervase's broad shoulders had gone out of sight. There was no human creature near, but far and far away overhead a lark was soaring and singing.

The corporal was back in a minute with a salute to say that Major de Blacquaire was in his own apartment, and would be proud to see General Boswell at once, so the General sent off Polson to Irene and made his way to De Blacquaire's quarters, piloted by the corporal. De Blaequaire received General Boswell with a show of profound respect.

But De Blacquaire's an officer and a gentleman' he made a burly bow towards the General and I don't suppose for a minute that he'd be guilty even of dreaming of such a piece of rascality as this. It's much more likely to be some pettifogging lawyer's game some sneaking rogue that's got these fellow-rascals round him, with an idea of doing a little bit of blackmail.

'He knows those three, said General Boswell to himself. 'De Blacquaire's lawyer gave me their names to-day, said Jervoyce, who had by this time found what he had been fumbling for in the pocket of his overcoat. 'Here they are.

If it was De Blacquaire's doing, he'd have gone for me rather than for you, because he always hated me, and I've put him down more than once or twice at Petty Sessions, and taught him to know his place.

'I wonder, he said within himself and this was his first conscious thought, 'I wonder if I saved that sweep. And then at his side he heard De Blacquaire's voice. 'Thank you, it was saying. 'You're awfully sweet and kind, and I'm very much obliged to you. That is much easier.

The two recoiled from each other just in time to avoid collision, for De Blacquaire had entered hastily. They regarded each other for an instant, and De Blacquaire's cynical and contemptuous gaze took in the other from head to foot, obviously taking note of the mean attire and the signs of the night march Polson had made.

But all the same Reuben's salute seemed mutilated and boorish to the man of more finished breeding, and helped to mark him as unworthy to be the suitor of so charming a creature as the rustic beauty. "Mr. De Blacquaire's a-tellin' us, Reuben," said old Fuller, "as theer's been some talk o' breaking up the church band and starting a horgin i' the place on it."