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It was borne to her of a sudden that they were in need of one in whom they might confide, of one from whom good advice might come; she felt impelled to tell this stalwart young man, whose eyes read kindness and whose face read right, who seemed to bear them nothing but good-will, that they had not filed the claim. And then The fire crackled cosily, the blackened pail steamed from the cross-piece.

It was a discoloured face it was a savage face. I wish I could forget the roll of the red eyes and the fearful blackened inflation of the lineaments!" "Ghosts are usually pale, Jane." "This, sir, was purple: the lips were swelled and dark; the brow furrowed: the black eyebrows widely raised over the bloodshot eyes. Shall I tell you of what it reminded me?" "You may."

The sand appears blackened with the multitudes of turtles which, after depositing their eggs, are waddling towards the river; and often, where the margin of the praia is steep, tumbling down the declivity into the water.

Then came a barrel; then a broken spar. These were but the forerunners of more fearful havoc. The sea became strewed and literally blackened with fragments; part wreck, part cargo, of a broken vessel. But what was all this compared with the horror that followed? A black object caught her eye; driven in upon the crest of a wave.

Must all be around on the far side. We'll clear the point, and run in through the first break in the reefs." "If they fail to show up on this side," qualified Lord James, slowly sweeping the cliffs from foot to crest and inland along the dry fire- blackened plain. About half a mile from the beach the wall of rock was cleft by a wooded ravine that ran up through the cliff ridge.

Once more using his knife to cut down a sheaf of stems, he made a flail of these, and beat out the fire to windward. And as he worked on the one side of the little clearing the fire grew on the other side, and then raced along, leaving behind in the blackened area many separate fires, where masses of reeds had been beaten down.

"We saw the directions taken by the cattle, and they didn't go anywhere near our camp. Let's wait, and, as soon as the ground is cool enough, let's get out to the injured cows, and see if we can help any of them." Hardly had Dick spoken when one of the cows, right at the edge of the blackened clearing, rose clumsily, then moved slowly northward. Presently another cow followed suit.

The young men then tucked up their sleeves above the elbow, and blackened their faces, and slapped their cheeks, exclaiming: "We were reposing at our ease, and our impertinent curiosity suffered us not to remain so!" Thus they did until the morning, when the sheikh brought them some hot water, and they washed their faces, and put on other clothes.

The explosion of water in a little tank, with the resultant gases ejected through a small pipe projecting under the surface at its stern. The boat swept forward smoothly, rapidly and almost silently, with a stream of the gas bubbles coming to the surface in its wake. "Quite safe, Lady Elza." She saw that Tarrano's face was blackened with grime. His garments were burned, and hers were also.

Some one of its former occupants, more luxurious than the others, had paneled the walls of this now irregular-shaped apartment with a dark wood running half way to the low ceiling badly smoked and blackened by time, and had built two fireplaces an open wood fire which laughed at me from behind my own andirons, and an old-fashioned English grate set into the chimney with wide hobs convenient and necessary for the various brews and mixtures for which the colonel was famous.