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We conquer our afflictions if we recognise that 'in all our afflictions He was afflicted, and that Himself has drunk to its bitterest dregs the cup which He commends to our lips. He has left a kiss upon its margin, and we need not shrink when He holds it out to us and says 'Drink ye all of it. That one thought of the companionship of the Christ in our sorrows makes us more than conquerors.

"That was rotten," he stammered. "I thought I could do it I can't. But just let me play you this " But the great man was in a hurry, it appeared. "No no, my boy, not to-day some other time! Perhaps a little bit too ambitious a choice, eh? We must all be ambitious, but we must know our limitations, too. Some other time!" Then Mr. Pomeroy was gone and Mark left to bitterest reflection.

Looking at her suddenly, he realized that she had heard nothing of what he was saying. If he had looked deeper still he would have seen the tragedy of her lovely little soul spinning the web of its perishing illusion. Of all the martyrdoms allotted to love's victims, she was enduring the bitterest, which is the martyrdom of frustration.

You always made your strongest friends out of your bitterest enemies. Browning, for instance, was an enemy at the start, and I certain didn't cotton to you any at all. We had some hot old times in those days, Merry. That's whatever!"

"I can endure Thy bitterest decrees, If CERTAIN of Thy Love." How would one amend all this if one had the power? Alas! it could only be by silencing all stupid and clumsy people, all rigid parents, all diplomatic priests, all the horrible natures who lick their lips with a fierce zest over the pains that befall the men with whom they do not agree.

The world has forsaken me, I forsook the world, I wandered in the solitude of the forest, longing for death but finding none. I fed upon roots, and in my bitterness I dug for the bitterest, loathing the sweeter kind. Digging, three days agone, I struck a manure mine! a Golconda, a limitless Bonanza, of solid manure! I can buy you ALL, and have mountain ranges of manure left!

At the command of Nautauquas, the slaves began to bring in food for the feast which preceded any discussion of moment. An enemy, be he the bitterest of an individual or of the tribe, must never be denied hospitality. Baskets and gourds there were filled with sturgeon, turkey, venison, maize bread, berries and roots of various kinds, and earthern cups of pawcohiccora milk made from walnuts.

This was still further increased when the Letters of his wife appeared. Carlyle's bitterest assailants were now agnostics of every shade and degree, especially of the humanitarian school, that to which Mill and George Eliot belonged.

Two small aisles on each side of this chapel present a touching instance of the equality of the grave, which brings down the oppressor to a level with the oppressed and mingles the dust of the bitterest enemies together. In one is the sepulchre of the haughty Elizabeth; in the other is that of her victim, the lovely and unfortunate Mary.

She tried to think that the worst was over; but the bitterest moment was yet to come, when she met her father the gentlest and most forbearing of men, who was so slow to blame that his children could count the reproofs of a lifetime on the fingers of one hand and he looked at her with a strange, cold glance, in which was no trace of the old fond admiration.