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A few scowled at the thoughts the words raised, the most grinned and passed rough jests; but to all those men in the thinned ranks, their dead behind them, the scenes of ruin before them, the words bit, and bit deep. They ran: But it's Bisness As Usual AT HOME. 'The troops continue in excellent spirits. EXTRACT FROM OFFICIAL DESPATCH.

"'Very usual size, I call it, ses Bob Pretty; 'and them ducks and hins very usual-looking hins and ducks, I call 'em, except that they don't grow 'em so fat in these parts. It's a fine thing when a man's doing a honest bisness to 'ave these charges brought agin 'im. Dis'eartening, I call it.

"Wal, I reckon them bisness fellars have so many papers, round that its 'tarnal queer they don't loose money, but ten to one this 'ere thing don't amount to a goose egg." Mr. Spriggins had now gained the office, and with smiling countenance inquired for Mr. Verne. A genial "come in" from the inner office inspired our friend with additional confidence. Mr.

He jerked Tingle forward into Si's strong clutch, and then walked toward the cabin, singing out angrily: "Jeff Hackberry, I want you to make that wife o' your'n mind her own bisness, and let other people's alone. You and her've got quite enough to do to tend to your honeymoon, without mixing into things that don't concern you. Take her back to bed and keep her there."

I recklect he called me aside that afternoon, assuming a solamon and misterus hare, "Charles," said he, "ARE YOU UP TO SNUFF?" "Why sir," said I, "I'm genrally considered tolerably downy." "Well," says he, "I'll give you half a suffering if you can manage this bisness for me; I've chose a rainy night on purpus. Talk of Kimble! talk of Magreedy!

"Quite by chance I happened to be in the Bear's Head a week arterwards, and, quite by chance, as I came out I saw the skipper saying 'Good-bye' on the bridge agin. He seemed to be put out about something, and when I said 'Wot a lovely evening it would be if only it wasn't raining 'ard! he said something about knocking my 'ead off. "'And you keep your nose out o' my bisness, he ses, very fierce.

No matter to whom he was writing, it froze all nature stiff in each word he achieved; and his bald business diction and wild archaic penmanship made documents that I value among my choicest correspondence; this one, especially: "Wensday four a. m. "DEAR SIR this is to Inform you that i have gone to Separ on important bisness where i expect to meet you on your arrival at same point. "Yours &c.

If you'll marry me soon's I'm free, I'll build one fire out by that corral. "If you say yes, you build one fire out by th' cottonwoods to th' left of the Holdin'. I'm watchin' an' will see it at once. You can see for yourself I mean bisness, as if you'll watch too, you'll see that one fire here. For a long moment the Mistress of Last's stood in profound quiet, as if she could not move.