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Once a drunken woman spat at me and cursed me; once I was fired at; and many times from dark corners I heard voices crying, "Sauvez-moi ah, sauvez-moi, bon Dieu!" Once I stood for many minutes and watched our soldiers giving biscuits and their own share of rum to homeless French peasants hovering round the smouldering ruins of a house which carcasses had destroyed.

"I think, colonel, I could bring up the rations: biscuits and cold pork, anyhow," suggested Hyde. "And the grog-tub: don't forget that, sergeant" cried a fresh voice. "By all means, Hyde, get us what you can," replied Blythe; "the men are all fasting, and some sort of a meal would be very good for them, only you must keep a sharp look-out for us. We may not be still here when you return."

It was then only nine o'clock, and the air was still cool and fresh. The soldiers lit fires, made some tea, and ate their rations of biscuits and meat. Then they lay down and waited for evening. Gradually, as the hours passed, the sun became powerful. There was no shade, and only a few thin, leafless bushes rose from the sand.

It is the custom of the country for the headmen of districts to come and pay their respects to any Sahib who may travel through their country, and the proper etiquette is to supply your visitors with tea and sweetmeats biscuits will do just as well, and they like plenty of sugar.

The court adjourned for an hour at noon. During this time Charley refused to see any one, but sat alone in his office with a few biscuits and an ominous bottle before him, till the time came for him to go back to the court-house. Arrived there he entered by a side door, and was not seen until the court opened once more.

I've been told they do that in some parts of Ireland, hang up a bit of bacon in a corner and point at it with the potato and so imagine the flavour." "Potatoes are excellent faring when there's nothing better to be had," said Miss Penny, rooting in the basket. "However, here are three of yesterday's sandwiches, slightly faded, and some biscuits in good condition, thanks to the tin.

To give an idea of the change in our diet since leaving Dixie, I give the bill-of-fare of a breakfast my mess enjoyed while on this road: Real coffee and sugar, light bread, biscuits with lard in them, butter, apple-butter, a fine dish of fried chicken, and a quarter of roast lamb! On the morning of July 1 we passed through a division of Longstreet's corps bivouacked in a piece of woods.

No shot followed him, as the orders were strict that the camp was not to be alarmed, unless in the case of a serious attack. At half past three the bugle sounded, and the troops were soon astir. The animals were watered and fed, and the men had a breakfast of cocoa or tea, with biscuits and tinned meat.

There was the warmth, too, of the wine. In a little while he was asleep. On the table by his untidy bed was the box of biscuits and the bottle and the tin of tiny sausages. If all went well he would feast like a lord on Christmas morning! Perhaps the most humiliating moment of Dulcie Cowan's childhood had been when Mary Dean had called her Indian giver. Dulcie was a child of affluence.

Git on your mule at onct." The teamster did as he was bid, and drove on till they came up to where the boys were sitting on a fence-corner waiting for them. Si had a brace of chickens tied together by the feet, and Shorty a crock of honey in the comb, with a bag of saleratus biscuits and one of cornmeal, and a number of strings of dried apples. "Bin waitin' for you a good while, Pap.