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I lost it back of the barn, because a flock of crows came flying along, stretching out for a mile or two; and among the lot I couldn't make out just what was biplane and which was crow. It was pretty high up, too, I thought."

A man with an idea for a light type of biplane, a machine designed mainly for speed, had an experimental craft built this was in the pioneer days of 1909 and insisted on fitting to it a motor of considerable power. It was pointed out to him that his construction was not sufficiently strong, in view of the speed at which his machine would pass through the air.

This was a most formidable looking machine in which one passenger sat out in front mounted in a sort of machine-gun turret. The big biplane was fast, in spite of the heavy armament it carried, its three passengers and its arrangement for carrying hundreds of pounds of bombs as well.

Despair pulled at the German's heartstrings as he saw his observer topple for a moment in his seat, then pitch forward into space. The biplane tipped dangerously, righted itself and sped like a homing pigeon in the direction of the German lines. There was nothing left but to fly for it. The German dared not look behind; only by the mercy of God were the Frenchman's shots going wild.

Everyone would be accounted for; no search for more would be made. Both boys now were ready for their desperate work. Chester, having crept a hundred yards, hugged down into another hole and waited. The Germans who had been about now approached the glowing heap of the biplane. What they found seemed to satisfy them. At least they raised no alarm.

Captain Faber says Forrest was terribly crushed, falling from 1700 ft. I wish I didn't keep on thinking of plans for our Brazil trip, then remembering we won't make it after all. I don't think I will fly till fall, anyway, though I feel stronger now after rest in England, Titherington has beautiful place in Devonshire. England seems to stick to biplane, can't make them see monoplane.

If this doesn't prove the human race all but godlike in its skill and courage and adaptability, what does?" She stood a while in thought, plainly much troubled. It was evident her mind was far from following his analysis. At last she spoke. "Allan!" she suddenly exclaimed. "Well?" "It's still out there somewhere, isn't it? Out there, in those black, unsounded depths the biplane?" "You mean "

"A what!" cried the young millionaire in great astonishment, for he had been too busy, of late, to hear any news from Dankville. "An airship a biplane, I believe they're called," the foreman went on. "Well, I'll be gum-swizzled!" cried Dick, faintly. "Come on, fellows. The world must be coming to an end, surely."

Now the pursuer was losing some of the advantage of his superior speed; the Parrott was perceptibly higher; the Valkyr must needs mount in a more sweeping curve. None the less, Lanyard, peering down, saw still another tongue of flame spit out at him; and two bullet-holes appeared in the port-side wings of the biplane, one in the lower, one in the upper spread of canvas.

As before, the flying machine swung through the air at a good rate of speed, and half an hour before sundown they came in sight of the Seminary buildings. "Wonder where they are?" mused Dick, as the biplane came to earth at the spot where they had landed before. "If they are around they must have heard us," answered Tom. "The engine makes noise enough to wake the dead."