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"You'll be wantin' to get married bimeby, and then it'll be convenient to have some money to begin with." "To be sure, aunt. I see you know how to manage." "I was always considered a good manager," said Deborah, complacently. "Ef your poor father had had my faculty, he wouldn't have died as poor as he did, I can tell you."

Ole Miss Fox, she cut and cut twel down come de tree, but no Brer Rabbit dar. Den she lay de blame on Tobe, en she say she gwineter lash 'im, en Tobe, he put out en run, de ole 'oman atter 'im. Bimeby, he come up wid Brer Rabbit, en sot down fer to tell 'im how 'twuz, en w'iles dey wuz a settin' dar, yer come ole Miss Fox a slippin' up en grab um bofe. Den she tell um w'at she gwine do.

"Yearly in de mawnin' de niggers all swarm' up in de yard. Mars Dugal' wuz feelin' so kine dat he had brung up a bairl er cider, en tole de niggers all fer ter he'p deyselves. "All dey han's on de plantation come but Dave; en bimeby, w'en it seem lack he wa'n't comin', Mars Dugal' sont a nigger down ter de quarters ter look fer 'im.

He tu'nt out ter be a sma't man, en l'arnt de blacksmif trade; en Kunnel Pen'leton let 'im hire his time. En bimeby he bought his mammy en sot her free, en den he bought hisse'f, en tuk keer er Sis' Becky ez long ez dey bofe libbed." My wife had listened to this story with greater interest than she had manifested in any subject for several days.

"Any man he'll drink the water on this river one time, he'll couldn't live no more without once each year he'll come back an' drink some more on that river! I'll see you again, an' bimeby you'll get so you'll could carry seex hondred poun' half a mile an' not set it down. Moise, he'll wait for you."

When I answered "Yes" to this question, he did not wait to hear anything further. "Go up-stairs and try your hand," said he "we'll soon see what you'll amount to, I reckon. We don't want any references here. We take a man as we find him. Guess I'll give you twenty-five dollars a week, anyhow, for one week sartain; and then, if we suit each other, we can raise the pile bimeby. Say, are you on?"

"But I left no money on the top of the bureau, John," said Mrs. Tretherick earnestly. "There must be some mistake. It belongs to some other person. Take it back, John." Ah Fe's brow darkened. He drew away from Mrs. Tretherick's extended hand, and began hastily to gather up his basket. "Me no takee it back. No, no! Bimeby pleesman he catchee me.

"Those mosquito he'll bite you some?" laughed Moise, as he saw the boys still slapping at their hands. "Well, bimeby he'll not bite so much. She'll be col' here un the montaigne, bimeby." "I'm lumpy all over with them," said John. "It's lucky you come from a country where you're more or less used to them," said Alex. "I've seen men driven wild by mosquitoes.

So Adams and Hopper left 'em, and come over the marsh, and walked to the point, but she wasn't there. Well, they waited and hallooed, but bimeby they got scared, and come flying up to Henderson's, and Henderson and me there ain't another man there to-night! we run down to the marsh, and yelled, but us two couldn't do nothing!

At last, "Where did you get that canteen?" "Picked it up at McDowell. Ef 't warn't covered with dust you could see the U. S." "Empty, I reckon?" "Nop. Buttermilk." "O Gawd! I could drink Thunder Run dry!" "Sorry. Reckon we'll come to a stream bimeby. Saving the milk 'gainst an emergency."