United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The second throw fell fair and the horse set his feet and braced himself as the calf hit the end of the rope. As much as she loved the round-up, many times as she had seen it, Billie Warren had never become calloused to the brutalities perpetrated on the calves. She withdrew and sat in the shade of the wagon.

Red hair is so fashionable now-a-days." "My hair is red!" whispered Billie pallidly. "Yes, I noticed it myself. I told you it was much the same shade as Miss Milliken's. It's rather fortunate that I happened to be here with you when he came." "But he may be lurking out there still!" "I expect he is," said Sam carelessly. "Yes, I suppose he is. Would you like me to go and send him away? All right."

He gave the well-known whistle, but there was no response. He gave it again; but still no answer. "Worse and more of it," he muttered. "Something has happened to Billie." What it might be Adrian could not imagine, but he was sure that his chum was not at the appointed spot, as he was near enough to have heard the whistle and would surely have answered. "Well, I can't stay here.

"You are nothing but a contemptible spy." I was holding my temper fairly well, yet my patience was near the breaking point. "I may as well tell you," I answered at last, "and my men will corroborate all I say. We came here under special orders hoping to capture General Johnston, who, we were informed, was quartered here for the night. We had no other object " "Until you saw Billie."

Lupo," she said, after she had sliced and buttered the bread and glancing up saw six eggs cooling in a pan. The silence was profound. "And we need more bread. Will you get me another loaf, please?" No reply. Mrs. Lupo was quietly stringing beans on a bench by the door of the lean-to which served the camp as a kitchen. "Did you hear what I asked?" demanded Billie.

When he kissed you it meant oh, that he honored and esteemed you because you fought for me." "I been tellin' you right along that Billie Prince is to blame. Let him go an' kiss Billie an' see if he'll stand for it." A flash of roguishness brought out an unexpected dimple near the corner of her insubordinate mouth. "We'll be good, all of us, and never do it again. Cross our hearts."

Some of these summer storms have a lively advance breeze, you know, boys," Paul suggested. "Little Billie and I'll go over to the boats, and see that the curtains are buttoned down snug. Some of us can stay inside while its rainin' and that'll give more room in the tents," Bobolink remarked, jumping to his feet, with a return of his customary lively Way.

It was a tremendous affair. As the flying-machine mounted higher, Billie continually revised her guesses; finally she concluded that London itself was not as large. Nevertheless her astonishment was mainly directed at the character, not the number of the buildings. They were all alike! Every one was a duplicate of that she had first seen: cube-shaped, plain finished, flat of wall and roof.

"Nonsense," thought Billie; but Miss Campbell was in one of her compelling humors and they retreated obediently, leaving her to hold a conference with O'Haru and to see that everything was done that could be done to alleviate Onoye's sufferings. She finally departed, after satisfying herself that Onoye was in the toils of a bilious attack.

Now that you know me, I will introduce my friends, Adrian Sherwood, ranch owner and good fellow, and William Stonewall Jackson Winkle, better known as 'Broncho Billie. We are known as the Broncho Rider Boys." "Oh, Father," exclaimed the girl, "I've read about them. I have a book some one sent me from the United States telling about their adventures at the Keystone ranch."