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"Fear not, lord; thy will is my will." "Say, Groa, is it thy wish to bide here in Middalhof when Unna is my housewife?" "It is my wish to serve thee as aforetime," she answered softly, "if so be that Unna wills it." "That is her desire," said Asmund and went his ways. But Groa stood looking after him and her face was fierce and evil.

"Only this, child; the noble Roman captain, Marcus, is to stay in the guest-house during his visit to us, so do not be frightened if you hear or see men moving about in this garden If, indeed, Romans care to walk in gardens. I am to bide here also, to play host to him and see that he lacks nothing.

"But bide ye, my bonny Sir Gibbie, till we're a' up yon'er, an' syne we'll see." The place of honour was therefore given to Jean Mavor, who was beside herself with joy to see her broonie lord of the land, and be seated beside him in respect and friendship.

But he shook his head, telling me that until he had spoken with Thorleif or Thrond, to whom we had passed our word, we must bide; which I saw was right. Presently, as the evening began to close in, Thorleif came to us, and with him was the old chief.

He was a great boaster, too he'd tell us, without a blush, of the most desperate things he'd done, and of how brave he'd been. He was the bravest man alive, to hear him tell it. They were askin' me to sing one day, and I was ready to oblige, when Jock started. "Bide a wee, Harry, man," he said, "while I'll be tellin' ye of a thing that happened to me on the veldt in America once."

He was enough in love with her already to begin to feel afraid of her. "I must bide my time," he thought; "she is not to be won easily, and a word too soon may spoil all." "Whose idea was it to pounce upon me that way at school?" exclaimed Alice suddenly, throwing off her retrospective mood and smiling again. "Was it yours or Bert's?"

Then she turned quickly on me, and there was a smile on her face and a new light in her eyes. "And I," she said. "And I am naught but the girl who was found by Asa Thor in the burning ship. "O Malcolm, let it be so still, and take me to the end of the voyage and bide there always. For I fear naught as long as you are with me."

But both sports partook too much of the nature of butchery carts used to be needed to carry home the spoil and they are "weel awa' if they bide." "Bide" they must, though in times not remote one has heard faint whisperings of the burning of the waters in some far-off district of the Border.

"If it be any business of thine to make and meddle in others' affairs, he is my son." "'Tis a lie!" cried the little King, hotly. "Boldly said, and I believe thee, whether thy small headpiece be sound or cracked, my boy. But whether this scurvy ruffian be thy father or no, 'tis all one, he shall not have thee to beat thee and abuse, according to his threat, so thou prefer to bide with me."

But I refrained, and began my retreat towards the door. "Bide a wee; I maun gie ye 'The MacGregor's Lament." But I was obstinate, having enough occasion for my own. "Hoots, man, dinna gang it's early yet." "But I really feel that I must go. I would sooner hear it some other time." At my own funeral, I meant. "Besides, Mr. M'Phatter, the bagpipes always influence me strangely.