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Four little ones pattered after Mamma Mouse, and eight bright eyes spied a dinner worth running for. Never mind what they did; but when Johnnie awoke at the strains of the closing hymn and tried to remember what had gone wrong, he saw nothing of the pink-frosted cakes save some scattered crumbs. What could have become of them, he thought, in bewilderment.

"Yes, I shall take the next train back." "What! Why, you don't know your inquiry " "My inquiry is finished. I know pretty well all that I wanted to know. I shall have left Cherbourg in an hour." Froberval rose to go. He looked at Beautrelet with an air of absolute bewilderment, hesitated a moment and then took his cap: "Are you coming, Charlotte?"

The eyes and mouths of Bonavent and Dieusy opened wide; and they stared at him blankly, in utter bewilderment and wonder. "Is it you who are making all this noise?" said Lupin, frowning at them. "Why, I know you two; you're in the service of M. Guerchard." "Yes, your Grace," stammered Bonavent. "Well, what are you doing here? What is it you want?" said Lupin.

Pale, confused, conscience-stricken, the bewilderment of intoxication mingling with that of fear, Houseman turned a ghastly look around him, and, shrinking from the eyes of all, reading in the eyes of all his condemnation, he gasped out, "Search St. Robert's Cave, in the turn at the entrance!" "Away!" rang the deep voice of Walter, on the instant; "away! To the cave, to the cave!"

On ascending the opposite hill, I took a by-path through a steep wood, thinking to cut off a long turn of the hot and dusty road. It led me into difficulties and bewilderment. The path disappeared, but I went on.

Stuart never knows in her amaze and bewilderment, in the humble little front room. How changed it all is from the splendor of that other house in Fifth Avenue. How different this dingy black alpaca dress and rusty widow's cap from the heavy silks and French millinery of other days. But Aunt Chatty's good, easy, kindly face is the same. A hundred questions are asked and answered.

And, before Daniel could recover from his bewilderment, the count had opened a door, and pushed him into the room, saying, "Sarah, M. Champcey." Sarah started up as if she had received an electric shock. Her husband had left them; but, even if he had been still in the room, she would probably not have been any more able to control herself. "You!" she cried, "Daniel, my Daniel!"

Then she said: "It isn't it isn't a trap?" "A trap? What kind of a trap? What on earth do you mean?" said Mr. Manley, in a not unnatural bewilderment at the odd suggestion. "You might be trying to take her off her guard," said Elizabeth Twitcher in a tone of deep suspicion. "Her guard against what?" said Mr. Manley, still bewildered.

She did not speak spontaneously, and her replies were very slow in coming. She had to be urged considerably before she would speak and, as a rule, she did not answer. On one occasion she was for a day totally inactive and looked duller. That day and on a few other occasions she wet the bed. There was at times an appearance of dull bewilderment.

Such was the exact nature of the assistance which Gaspar Ruiz, peasant son of peasants, received from the Royalist family whose daughter had opened the door of their miserable refuge to his extreme distress. Her sombre resolution ruled the madness of her father and the trembling bewilderment of her mother. She had asked the strange man on the door-step, "Who wounded you?"