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"I'm commissioned to ask you from her to go and see her." Densher's rebound from his supposition had a violence that his stare betrayed. "She asks me?" Sir Luke had got into the carriage, the door of which the guard had closed; but he spoke again as he stood at the window, bending a little but not leaning out.

Katharina, he told her, had a short while since betrayed to Plotinus some important secret relating to her husband, and the bishop had immediately gone over to Fostat.

This cry betrayed Antoinette's love in all its passionate intensity, and it found an echo in Philip's heart.

To stand up there helpless while great trees that had been a hundred years or more in the growing died the death of fire, gave him a tragic feeling of having somehow betrayed his trust. Every pine that fell, whether by old age, fire or the woodmen's axe, touched him with a sense of personal loss.

Thou tellest me thou partakest them; and, judging by myself, I cannot but believe thee. Tell me when thou art weary of me; I have long and often been weary of myself. Yet she is very kind to me, and so kind that I have lately been betrayed into hopes too flattering, too ecstatic to be true. Oh! Should she ever think of me! Were it only possible she ever should be mine!

All the imperfections of his experience will be betrayed in his criticism; where he is insensitive, there he will fail, both as artist and as philosopher; and of this fact he must be constantly aware.

"I'm mighty glad to see ye," she said; "you haven't been up fer a long time." No," answered Clayton; "I have been very busy-getting ready to go home." He had watched Easter closely as he spoke, but the girl did not lift her face, and she betrayed no emotion, not even surprise; nor did Raines. Only the mother showed genuine regret. The girl's apathy filled him with bitter disappointment.

I know very well who you are now, madam, but if my brother discovers that I have betrayed him, he will take it very unkind, and perhaps never forgive me." "Be not alarmed," cried Cecilia; "rest assured he shall never know it. Is he not now in the country?" "No, madam, he is now in the very next room." "But what is become of the surgeon who used to attend him, and why does he not still visit him?"

He was the first human being to whom he had ever betrayed the solitary ambition of his life, and his scornful words seemed still to bite the air. If he was right! Why not? Trent looked with keen, merciless eyes through his past, and saw never a thing there to make him glad.

'The next day, to my surprise, I found him excessively civil, and almost obsequious: but I noticed that he had taken a violent dislike to our head overseer, whom I shall call Jean Marie, and whom he seemed to suspect as the person who had betrayed him to me when stealing the sugar. 'Things went on pretty quietly for some weeks, till the crop was nearly over.