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Well, these combats are past betting on. Who will take the odds? A peal of laughter announced the ridicule of the question. 'Poor Clodius! said the host; I to lose a friend is something; but to find no one to bet on the chance of his escape is a worse misfortune to thee. 'Why, it is provoking; it would have been some consolation to him and to me to think he was useful to the last.

"Huh!" said Jimmie, and grinned. "What did you get?" "You belong to union in America?" countered the other. "You bet I do!" said Jimmie. "Vat sort of union?" "Machinists." "You been on strike, maybe?" "You bet I have!" "You got licked, maybe?" "You bet!" "You don't never scab, hey?" "Not much!" "You vat you call class-conscious?" "You bet! I'm a Socialist!"

Not that she ain't got a spirit of her own. Every boat worth anything hez. Thar's days when she takes the wind and thar's no holdin' her. You jest have to let her spread her wings to it and go. But, Lord, let that same wind begin to growl and mutter, let them waves begin to cap and swell, and the 'Sary Ann' is ready for them, you bet.

"He couldn't go to the embassy, but he could steal away and play poker all night with a lot of idling Army officers. And now he is going off to Canada without even seeing us to say good-by. Charlie, there is something back of all this." "I'll bet it's a woman," said Jack, throwing a scrutinizing glance at me. But I was something of a diplomat myself, and he didn't catch me napping.

And let me tell you, sir, I wish that, as a man and a Minor Canon, you were better employed, with a nod. 'Better employed, with another nod. 'Bet- ter em-ployed! with another and the three nods added up. Mr. Crisparkle rose; a little heated in the face, but with perfect command of himself. 'Mr.

I bet I wouldn't have a speck o' trouble with her her and me would git along as sweet as two turtle-doves." "You dry up, Tony," said Magnus, lowering. "I'll look after my own affairs of the heart. Anyway, here's them two old hens what have been makin' me sick with their jabber and nonsense all these weeks. Ain't I goin' to have a chance to get square?"

"Sure," assented The General; "we'll take care of 'em." "I'll tell you what we'll do," said Bridge; "we'll leave the kids up here and we three'll go down. They won't go, and I wouldn't leave them up here with you two morons on a bet."

"Did Finlayson see your father?" inquired Mr. Duff anxiously. "Sure thing," answered Tom. "And did he inform him of what has been going on in this college?" "You bet your life! Give him the whole tip!" "And what did the professor say?" inquired Mr. Duff, with bated breath. "Told him to go to the devil." "To what?" gasped Mr.

"It's Nicholas Dillon, I'll bet twopence," said Greg, jumping up to rush into the other room: "he's come about the black colt, I know."

Good-bye, and bless you, my dear, Yours as ever, S. MACNAUGHTAN. To Miss Julia Keays-Young. HOTEL D'ORIENT, TIFLIS, CAUCASUS, RUSSIA, 27 December. I can't tell you what a pleasure your letters are. I only wish I could get some more from anybody, but not a line gets through! I want so much to hear about Bet and her marriage, and to know if the nephews and Charles are safe.