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A Forsyth ought to care about those awful Mills, that were in some sort of a "boneyard," and about the people who worked in them especially poor Sarah Castle's brother and sister. And there were probably many other boys and girls. She'd ask Mrs. Lynch or Dale. Beryl stirred and Robin ventured to speak. "Beryl, are you awake? If Mr.

"She paid a fortune for that," declared Beryl, appraisingly. "She must have forgiven Susy for spoiling her dress. Or maybe she's thinking of her son again. Let me read the card. 'Hoping you will coax that nice Mr. Tubbs to bring you to us before my youngsters go back to school Didn't I tell you, Robin?"

"Gone!" Oh, the relief, the difference it made to have the man out of the house. Their very voices were changed as they called to one another; they sounded warm and loving and as if they shared a secret. Beryl went over to the table. "Have another cup of tea, mother. It's still hot." She wanted, somehow, to celebrate the fact that they could do what they liked now.

Everybody would understand and approve if he were to fall desperately in love with Beryl Van Tuyn; but if he were to prefer a great friendship with Lady Sellingworth to a love affair with her youthful and beautiful friend no one would understand, and everybody would be ready to laugh and condemn.

She couldn't be left. Other people, perhaps, but not she. It wasn't possible to think that Beryl Fairfield never married, that lovely fascinating girl. "Do you remember Beryl Fairfield?" "Remember her! As if I could forget her! It was one summer at the Bay that I saw her. She was standing on the beach in a blue" no, pink "muslin frock, holding on a big cream" no, black "straw hat.

The deputy sheriff hurried her out, almost lifted her from the steps, and pushing her forward, turned a corner of the street, and handed her into a carriage which awaited them. To Beryl many hours seemed to have crept away, since she had been left alone in a small dusty apartment, adjoining the office where the chief magistrate of X -daily held court.

He did, as a matter of fact, marry, and had one child, this fellow, whose real name is the same as his father's. He married Beryl Garcia, one of the beauties of Costa Rica, and, having purloined a considerable sum of public money, he changed his name to Vandeleur and fled to England, where he established a school in the east of Yorkshire.

Later on she had been glad intimately, warmly glad to be quite sure that something more personal had guided him in his conduct that night. He had simply preferred her company to the company of Beryl Van Tuyn. She was woman enough to rejoice in that fact. It was even rather wonderful to her. And it had given Craven a place in her estimation which no one had had for ten years.

I waited awhile, then I took the doll home." "Oh, how funny! How funny! It was me, Beryl. I'd been playing and Mr. Tony called to me to hurry and I forgot and you found it. Why, I cried myself to sleep night after night thinking poor Cynthia was unhappy somewhere." "And I called her my orphan doll and loved her because I thought she missed her real mother "

What an awful thing to happen to you! And it's all my fault! Where what have you done with " "What's left do you mean? Go and see for yourself." She hurried upstairs to the studio. When he followed he found her standing before the mutilated picture, which was still in its place, with tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. "Good God! Beryl! What's up? What are you whimpering about?"