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Standing on the forward deck, he looked after the "Bertha's" coolies until they disappeared behind a row of pine-trees on the Presidio Reservation, going cityward. Wilbur was nowhere in sight. For a longtime Hoang studied the Lifeboat Station narrowly, while he made a great show of coiling a length of rope. The station was just out of hailing distance. Nobody seemed stirring.

"I only took a day off I thought he meant to stay on all this week, and I knew Mr. Selden was leaving this morning." Mrs. Trenor brushed aside the plea with a gesture which laid bare its weakness. "He did mean to stay that's the worst of it. It shows that he's run away from you; that Bertha's done her work and poisoned him thoroughly." Lily gave a slight laugh.

No, indeed, it is Bertha's, and I hope she will like the toilet I have planned; each tuck will be surmounted by a garland of ivy, left open at the front, and fastened where it breaks off, on either side, with blush roses. Then among her luxuriant curls a few sprigs of ivy must float, and perhaps a rose peep out. You may expect to see her looking very beautiful to-night."

Even the waters of the lake seemed to sob and sigh as Gaspar read on of sweet, sad Undine and of her unhappy love, of Bertha's proud triumph, her marriage with the knight, and the last, most beautiful scene of all Undine rising from the unsealed fountain and going to claim her love. "How exquisite!" said Beatrice, drawing a long, deep breath. "I did not know there was such a story in the world.

Not wishing to disturb them, I turned back through one of the arbours and approached by another path. As I slipped noiselessly along in my felt-soled shoes I heard Bertha's voice, and quite near, through the leafy tracery, I glimpsed the grey of her gown. "Why with your beauty," came the answering voice of a man, "did you not find a lover from the Royal Level?"

This little excitement over, Sara had only herself and the children to think of, and in her weak physical condition these thoughts were far from pleasant. What was to prevent Bertha's experience from becoming her own, or possibly Molly's, in case of evil fortune? If she should often be ill, who would care for them? She seemed to herself, just then, such a frail plank between them and want!

Edward, that sailor-fellow a good free dashing sort of fellow he was had been telling them various marvels concerning parrots, and mines, and Mexicans, and gold dust, when all at once he took it in his head to jump up from his seat and propose a dance; for Bertha's harp was there, and she such a hand upon it as you seldom hear. Mrs.

For the next two days domestic life was very unpleasant indeed; mother and daughter exchanged few words; meanwhile Martha was tasked, if possible, more vigorously than ever, and fed mysteriously, meals no longer doled out to her under Bertha's eyes. The third morning brought another crisis.

But, as if Anna had again read Bertha's thoughts, and could not tolerate that the latter should thus insinuate herself into her confidence, the uncanny gravity of her face relaxed suddenly, and she said in an innocent tone: "Just fancy, my husband is still asleep.

And involuntarily, she glanced up again at the picture of the naked woman over the piano, but now the figure seemed to be gazing into space. Emil had brought a chair beside Bertha's. He drew her towards him and kissed her while her fingers first continued to play, and at length rested quietly upon the keys.