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We go by railway from Berne to Lucerne, which is situated on the lake of the same name, and contains a population of twenty thousand. The ancient walls which served the town in olden times are still in good preservation. Here the river Reuss issues from the lake with great force. The Schweizerhof Quay, beautifully ornamented with trees, borders the lake, and is a famous promenade for visitors.

The Swiss not only counted on his friendship, but were constantly encouraged by his money, which emboldened them to send a letter of open defiance to Charles: "We declare to your most serene highness and to all of your people, in behalf of ourselves and our friends, an honourable and an open war." To the herald who delivered this document Charles answered: "O Berne, Berne!"

Then spake Hagen of Troneg: "Yonder I see Sir Dietrich coming hither; he would fain encounter us, after the great sorrow, that hath here befallen him. To-day we shall see, to whom one must give the palm. However strong of body and grim of mood the lord of Berne thinketh him to be, right well dare I match him," so spake Hagen, "an' he will avenge on us that which hath been done him."

Others with forks in their hands pitch them into the mouth of the large dragon-devil who is represented as glutting them, and whose capacious mouth admits of several of them at a time! The time has almost arrived when one may no longer describe what he sees in the churches of Europe! Berne is a great place for bears.

The German commander then explained what he knew of the three and called for a vote. "Commander Derndorff?" "Death!" was the response. "Commander Hellwig?" "Death!" "Commander Berne?" "Death!" "Commander Blough?" "Death!" "Commander Bernstorff?" Lord Hastings' response was louder than the rest and he smiled evilly as he cried: "Death!"

It is constructed very differently, however, from an American stage coach, being divided into four distinct compartments. Rollo had seen a diligence in Paris, and so he could understand very easily the conversation which ensued between himself and his uncle in respect to the seats which they should take in the one in which they were to travel to Berne.

When he died, 1688, his body was refused to them. His sons raised a monument to him at Aubonne, in the canton of Berne, with this inscription: "This tomb awaits the remains of Duquesne.

You know, of course, that the bears of Berne received an income of fifty or even sixty thousand francs." The doctor burst out laughing. "Decidedly, sir, you are trying to frighten us," said he. "Gentlemen," said the watchmaker, "I give you my word of honor " "Take your places gentlemen," shouted the conductor, opening the door. "Take your places! We are three-quarters of an hour late."

What nonsense Herr H. has been talking to you! Do you care to write to him about it? Do not misunderstand me if now and then I leave something concerning myself unmentioned to you. The cause generally is that I attach no importance to it. The truth about the Valais Musical Festival is as follows. This they readily accepted, and engaged Methfessel, of Berne, who is quite devoted to me.

I could not remember the time when her fat, benignant face was not a familiar picture in my memory. This was Madame Perrodon, a native of Berne, whose care and good nature now in part supplied to me the loss of my mother, whom I do not even remember, so early I lost her. She made a third at our little dinner party.