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The two quickly ascertained that the man was unhurt and managed to restore the wife to consciousness, whereupon she began to upbraid her husband for carelessness. "The horse," continues Bernard, "was now on his legs, but the vehicle was still prostrate, heavy in its frame and laden with at least half a ton of luggage.

Thou hast never toiled up the sides of St. Bernard, friend Maso, loaded with the sins of a whole parish, to say nothing of thine own, and therefore canst not know the value of these brutes, who so often stand between us pilgrims and a grave of snow."

Rakitin will get on anywhere; he is another Bernard. Ugh, these Bernards! They are all over the place.” “But what is the matter?” Alyosha asked insistently. “He wants to write an article about me, about my case, and so begin his literary career. That’s what he comes for; he said so himself. He wants to prove some theory.

The breeze curled his beard back under his chin and his face was quite dark with anger. I couldn't help being amused; he looked so funny. "The Sage looks like Bernard Shaw," whispered Mifflin. I always believe in drawing first blood. "Good-morning, Andrew," I called cheerfully. "Want to buy any books?"

Presently he came up with the shaving water and shaved his master; for in the house in University Street he discharged the double functions of valet and butler. He had just finished his task when there came a ring at the front-door bell. "You'd better go and see who it is," said Lupin. "Bernard is answering the door," said Charolais.

But there are high and heroic things in Bernard Shaw; and one of the highest and most heroic is this, that he certainly cares much more for a quarrel than for a play. And this quarrel about the censorship is one on which he feels so strongly that in a book embodying any sort of sympathy it would be much better to leave out Mrs. Warren than to leave out Mr. Redford.

So we stood waiting, for we thought the hour of attack was certainly come; but second passed after second, and all but the surf remained silent in the neighborhood of the pavilion. "Quick," said Northmour; "upstairs with him before they come." Somehow or other, by hook and crook, and between the three of us, we got Bernard Huddlestone bundled upstairs and laid upon the bed in My Uncle's Room.

Bernard broke in quickly, but Sir Reginald intervened in the same moment. "No, no! Pardon me! Let her speak! She wishes to do so, and I wish to listen." Stella's hand pressed a little upon Bernard's shoulder, as though she supported herself thereby. "It is right that you should know, Sir Reginald," she said. "It is only for my sake that it has been kept from you.

With the exception of a visit to La Grande Chartreuse, and of another to Paris, where he preached the "true philosophy" of poverty and contempt of the world to the schools distracted by scholastic puzzles, Bernard remained a secluded monk of a new and humble Order.

Her purse was in the pocket hidden in the many folds of her silk dress. There was not quite so much in it as she had reckoned; she slipped the sovereign and few shillings with trembling fingers into his hand. "I could ask Bernard, and Bessie, William." "No! I won't take their money," he said. "This will get me to London." "To London?" "I am going up by the mail." "But why in this hurry?"