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The great annual fair has just opened at Berbera, and I have on board large stores of merchandise and trading properties. On other occasions I go to Zaila first, but during the progress of the fair I always go direct to Berbera and unload. I supposed that fact to be generally understood," and, turning on his heel, the captain walked off to give some orders to his men.

He, on his part, often bore witness to the unselfishness and blamelessness of her life, generally adding, "It is very pleasant to be able to feel proud of one's parents." The Fight at Berbera, 22nd April, 1855. Unable to let well alone, Burton now wanted to make a new expedition, this time to the Nile, via Berbera and Harar, and on a larger and more imposing scale.

'You've cheek enough to build a redoubt with, said Torpenhow, and took stock of the new acquaintance. 'Do you always draw like that? The young man produced more sketches. 'Row on a Chinese pig-boat, said he, sententiously, showing them one after another. 'Chief mate dirked by a comprador. Junk ashore off Hakodate. Somali muleteer being flogged. Star-shelled bursting over camp at Berbera.

The Soori boats are generally the last to leave, and by the first week in April, Berbera is again deserted, nothing being left to mark the site of a town lately containing 20,000 inhabitants, beyond bones of slaughtered camels and sheep, and the framework of a few huts, which is carefully piled on the beach in readiness for the ensuing year.

He then said "Well, if you have no fear of anything, and will join us in our fight, to represent your nation's disposition in our favour, I will give you as many horses as you may wish to have, and a free passage to Berbera, as soon as it is concluded."

"Come along. Me tell you something." He fairly dragged Guy back to the entrance of the tent where none could hear, and bending low he whispered in his ear: "Berbera no place for Inglis man this day. Better go away, quick. Heed what Makar tell you. Now go."

Sumunter then gave me back my own words, saying, "If the Sahib would only say he wished me to take him to Berbera, I will give some small presents to the Akils of the Dulbahantas as a passport for him, and proceed at once;" for they were only endeavouring to feel my disposition towards them, and did not intend desertion, if I was not irredeemably incensed against them.

On the 29th March, at 4 P.M., I broke ground with all my camels and ponies, and commenced the march on Berbera. At sundown, after travelling three miles along the sea-shore, we encamped in a water-course called Goldera. The water we found here, in a little well in its bed, was deliciously sweet so pleasant after the brackish Kurrum wells.

Harar, as I have said before, sends caravans annually to the Berbera fair, and therefore comes within the influence of British power.

"You say you left Berbera at sunset last night, and were delayed by an accident. Were there any camels there?" "A caravan of two thousand arrived two days ago," replied Melton. The colonel's face paled. "Then the enemy are due here now," he said huskily. "On camels they could traverse the sixty miles in from fifteen to twenty hours. It is already dark," and he pointed out through the window.