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Benjamin Logan continued amicably with Henderson on the march but did not recognize him as Lord Proprietor of Kentucky. He left the Transylvania caravan shortly after entering the territory, branched off in the direction of Harrodsburg, and founded St. Asaph's Station, in the present Lincoln County, independently of Henderson though the site lay within Henderson's purchase.

His offer touched me to the heart; I wanted to refuse, but he insisted, and slipped a shiny silver piece into my hand. I knew that his friendship for me must be very strong if he were willing to share his treasure with me. Benjamin, neither, had forgotten me; he also wanted to give me a present. He gave me his knife, and in exchange he exacted a sou, because he said "a knife cuts friendship."

In the cities of the mountains, in the cities of the vale, and in the cities of the south, and in the land of Benjamin, and in the places about Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, shall the flocks pass again under the hands of him that telleth them, saith the LORD.

He has dropped down with the infection upon him, and if he be not lying in some pest house which they say it is death now to enter he must be lying in one of those awful graves. "O Reuben! Reuben! we shall never see you again!" Joseph and Benjamin found themselves exceedingly happy and exceedingly well occupied in their aunt's pleasant cottage.

"Left, left," says he; "keep to your left hand, mate Jim! Under the trees with you! Theer's where I killed my first goat. They don't come down here now; they're all mast-headed on them mountings for the fear of Benjamin Gunn. Ah! and there's the cetemery" cemetery, he must have meant. "You see the mounds? I come here and prayed, nows and thens, when I thought maybe a Sunday would be about doo.

And again, when I stood beside Benjamin Franklin's grave in Christ Church Cemetery, I was shocked to see a German flag marking this honoured resting-place. "Benjamin and Deborah, 1790," was the deeply graven words and, beside them under a kindly elm, the battered headstone of their little four-year-old son, "Francis F. A delight to all who knew him." Then a German flag!

Brewster hung up the receiver and turned to the secretary. "I don't believe I can wait any longer," she began, and paused, as Benjamin Clymer appeared in the doorway. "So sorry to be late," he exclaimed, shaking her hand warmly. "And I am sorry, also, to have called you here on such an errand." Mrs.

And he sank into sweet sleep, and died. His sons did as he had commanded, and they carried him up and buried him with his fathers. Benjamin was one hundred and twenty-five years old, and he called his children to come to him. When they appeared, he kissed them, and spake: "As Isaac was born unto Abraham in his old age, so was I born unto Jacob when he was stricken in years.

As the man's name had been mentioned, she thought it better to own as much. "So he tells me. Now, in all London, I don't suppose there is a greater rascal than Benjamin." "I didn't know that," said Lizzie. "But I did; and with that rascal I have had money dealings for the last six or seven years. He has cashed bills for me, and has my name to bills now, and Sir Griffin's too.

If you will look about you, Benjamin, you will see that benevolence toward everybody is the great virtue of the time we live in. Poor Mr. Dexter must have the benefit of the prevailing fashion. Come, come, march with the age! Open your mind to the new ideas!" Instead of accepting this polite invitation, worthy old Benjamin flew at the age we lived in like a bull at a red cloth.