United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The others at once withdrew, going back to the house, while Miss Starbrow sat down on a garden bench and drew the girl to her side. "Well, my child, what do you think of your new teacher?" she began. "I like her so much, Mary, I'm sure I know she will be very kind to me; and is she not beautiful?" "I am not going to talk about that, Fan. I haven't time.

The one which I watched to-day was pale and grey; and the obedient earth humbly espoused its gentle tones. With my hands clasped in my lap, it seemed to me that I was drinking in the peace that filled my heart; and my eyes, which unconsciously fastened on my hands, held for a moment my whole life enclosed there. Then I heard indistinctly steps approaching me. A woman sat down on the bench.

"I will, I promise you." "Then that's settled," sighed the inventor with relief. "I must say you're about the best feller ever was to come a-visitin', Bob. You ain't a mite of trouble to anybody." With eyes still fastened on the bench with its chaos of tools, the old man moved unwillingly toward the door; but on the threshold he paused. "I'll be back quick's I can," he called.

We made the gates to keep the sheep in, and they'll serve a turn. If you get the wild horses on the bench send Piute for me at once." They passed the Indian herding the sheep into a corral built against an uprising ridge of stone. Naab dispatched him to look for the dead coyotes.

The Secretary for India had gone down about eleven o'clock to the House, where an Indian debate was dragging out its slow length. He sat himself on the Treasury Bench and took notes, and the House soon filled in anticipation of his reply. His "tail" progressive young men like himself were there in full strength, ready to cheer every syllable which fell from their idol.

Dick seated himself on a bench to which his mother pointed, and she quickly returned with soap and water. It was no easy operation, however, to get rid of the stains, and Dick declared that before he came in he must bury the dog. To this Mrs Hargrave consented, as she thought it would be a good opportunity to tell Janet of the loss of her favourite.

"What's on your mind now?" asked Kennedy observantly. "Can I help you in any way?" Herndon had taken each of us by an arm and walked us over to a stone bench in the shade of the library building. "You have read the accounts in the afternoon papers of the peculiar death of Mademoiselle Violette, the little French modiste, up here on Forty-sixth Street?" he inquired. "Yes," answered Kennedy.

"Could you come at once to that Eighty-sixth Street entrance of the Park?" A pause, and "I will come," she said. "Good-by at once," he answered, and hung up the receiver, without further word. Outside, he hurled himself into a taxicab. Spurred on by an offer of an extra dollar for speed, the chauffeur raced north. Annette was sitting on a bench by the Park gate.

"Call," said I to the crier of the court "call the Reverend Zachariah Zimmerman." This was a bomb-shell. Lord Emsdale, the better to conceal his agitation, descended from the bench and took his seat beside his counsel. The Reverend Zachariah Zimmerman, examined by Mr.

It was in the dusk of Tuesday evening that Jake Dolan's dog came into the yard where the captives were, and Jake disowned him, and joined the men who stoned the faithful creature out to the main road. But the prisoners knew that their rescuers would follow the dog, so at supper the three men from the Ridge sat together on a bench at the table while Mrs.