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The party had taken refuge in the house from a sudden mountain storm, and she remembered that Ben Sollas, who liked frightening girls, had told them that it was said to be haunted. She was growing faint and tired, for she had eaten nothing since morning, and was not used to walking so far. Her head felt light and she sat down for a moment by the roadside.

"Father," inquired Edward, "whereabouts in Boston was the mill-pond on which Ben built his wharf?" "I do not exactly know," answered Mr. Temple; "but I suppose it to have been on the northern verge of the town, in the vicinity of what are now called Merrimack and Charlestown Streets. That thronged portion of the city was once a marsh. Some of it, in fact, was covered with water."

"You said just now," answered Paul, "that matter, being mind, was governed by mind, and that the tree or chair before me, owing its existence to mind, is subject to that mind; do you mean by that to say that the existence of that sofa, as a sofa, may be transformed into something else by mental action alone?" "I do," said Ah Ben, "under certain conditions; namely, the condition called hypnotism.

"What do you mean?" "You have done a job which will send you to Sing Sing for the next ten years." "No, I haven't," said Ben, backing out of the engine-room. "Stop where you are," interposed Ethan, peremptorily, as he raised his pistol. "Two can play at that game," added Ben. "Two can; but two won't. Drop your hands, or I'll fire!"

XII. No Non-juror shall be capable of being a Member. The Morality of this little Club is guarded by such wholesome Laws and Penalties, that I question not but my Reader will be as well pleased with them, as he would have been with the 'Leges Convivales' of Ben. Johnson, the Regulations of an old Roman Club cited by Lipsius, or the rules of a Symposium in an ancient Greek author.

Ben stood in front of the little corner of the tent, that was curtained off, so no one could see what was behind it. "Are you all ready in there?" Ben called, loudly. "Yes, yes, all ready!" was the quick answer. And the voice did not sound like that of any of the boys from the nearby farms.

I've trusted you and lost six thousand dollars' worth of automobiles for my pains. You can just calculate this, that unless I get some news about Jake, Ben and the Monk by this time tomorrow, I'll send some news down to Police headquarters on Lafayette Street that will make you wish you had never been born."

Our rendezvous was in the parlor, which, from the way in which Ben knocked about the furniture, cushions, and books, assumed an air which somehow subdued Veronica's love for order; she played for him, or they read together, and sometimes talked; he taught her chess, and then they quarreled. One day a long one to me, they were so much absorbed in each other, I did not seek them till dusk.

"It isn't so much a question of your giving up the law, Ben, as of your giving up your family and going so far away from us all," said his father. "That's what I shouldn't like." "I don't like that, either. But I can't help it." He added, "Of course, mother, I shall not go without your full and free consent. You and father must settle it between you."

"Stay here a few minutes, Ben, and I'll reconnoiter a little. Perhaps I can find a better place for campin'." "All right, Jake!" While Bradley was absent Ben threw himself on the ground, and began to think. It was the third day of the expedition. Ben enjoyed riding through this new, unsettled country.