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'Just so. At this moment a fine ewe, attended by a lamb, rushed into the circle and fondled the knees of the shepherd. 'I suppose you would not care to have some milk, said the man. 'Why do you suppose so? 'Because, so be there be no sheep, no milk, you know; and what there ben't is not worth having.

The first sight the crew obtained of the red snow filled them with unbounded amazement, and a few of the more superstitious amongst them with awe approaching to fear. But soon their attention was attracted from this by the wonderful column. "Och, then! may I niver!" exclaimed O'Riley, the moment he caught sight of it, "if there ben't the north pole at long last sure enough!"

He obeyed, but said "Pray Miss, take care it ben't known, for master don't do such a thing once in a year, and if he know'd I'd got you the knife, he'd go nigh to give me a good polt of the head." Cecilia then wrote upon the slate her desire to be informed in what manner she should send him her receipt for 600 pounds, which she begged to have instantly advanced.

"But I shall live to see you on a handsomer beastis than that little pony, Master Randal; and sure I ought, for you be as good a gentleman as any in the land." "Thank you," said Randal. "But I like walking better than riding, I am more used to it." "Well, and you walk bra'ly, there ben't a better walker in the county.

"Breath or no breath, I ben't agoing to fight them devildoms with no better helps than you two, young masters. Bide quiet like brave boys, and do as the Duke of Wellington does." Felix. "How is that, Tommy?" Smart. "Why he waits until the enemy gives him a reason to get his blood up, and when that's done it's all up with them." Felix. "But my blood is up, Tom." Smart.

Why they do say, that if a poor body contrives to be smart enough to scrape together a few dollars, that your King George always comes down upon 'em, and takes it all away. Don't he?" "I do not remember hearing of such a transaction." "I guess they be pretty close about it. Your papers ben't like ourn, I reckon? Now we says and prints just what we likes."

"There is no mistake," asked Danvers, halting; "an Italian gentleman named Cesarini lodges here?" "Yes, sir, poor cretur I sent for you to come to him for says I to my boy, says I " "Whom do you take me for?" "Why, la, sir, you be's the doctor, ben't you?"

"But I shall live to see you on a handsomer beastis than that little pony, Master Randal; and sure I ought, for you be as good a gentleman as any in the land." "Thank you," said Randal. "But I like walking better than riding, I am more used to it." "Well, and you walk bra'ly, there ben't a better walker in the county.

Them dumb animals can't go on for ever, bumpety, bumpety, as your honour and I do. Whaugh!" "It is very true, Bunting, and I have had some thoughts of sending you home again with the horses, and travelling post." "Eh!" grunted the Corporal, opening his eyes; "hopes your honour ben't serious." "Why if you continue to look so serious, I must be serious too; you understand, Bunting?"

Sit there and be thankful you ha' got off so cheap. 'T is salt and battery to fit with your betters, and a Lunnon justice o' peace would have given you two months o' the treadmill. "But vy should you fit cos he trespassed on the stocks? It ben't your natural side for fitting, I takes it." Lenny murmured something not very distinguishable about serving the squire, and doing as he was bid.