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His face painted red and white was made up into an idiot grin. He opened his mouth at the audience, who applauded mildly. Lady Auriol still sat in her bemused attitude of suspense. I watched her perplexedly for a second or two, and then I saw she had not recognized him. I said: "That's Lackaday." She gasped.

The servant's head and shoulders stood out in dim relief against the darkness. "I've burnt me 'and somethin' 'orrid on this damn' 'ot chimney," he complained nervously. He succeeded in setting fire to the wick. The light showed him barefoot and shivering in shirt and trousers. He lifted a bemused red face to Amber, blinking and nursing his scorched hand. "For pity's syke, sir, w'at's 'appened?"

Can I be blamed if my suddenly aroused and somewhat bemused senses played tricks with me, and my startled imagination began to conjure up the gruesome stories I had heard of weird visitants, and ghostly beings, heard but seldom seen, on the East Anglian meres and broads?

The Sovs haven't been exposed to religion for several generations, Joe. Probably the Party heads had forgotten it as a potential danger. Here in the West-world we do better. The Temple provides us with a pressure valve in that particular area, but I still wouldn't like to see our trank and Telly bemused morons subjected to a sudden blast of revival-type religion." Joe looked back at Holland.

Mintz was drinking and pacing up and down the room, speaking volubly with noisy derision. The brandy flowed through his veins, warming his sluggish blood; his thoughts grew vivid and spiteful, engendering sarcastic, malicious remarks. Whenever he took a drink, he removed his pince-nez for a moment, and his eyes became evil, vacant and bemused.

There was that in the ring of his voice which pierced to Jervase's intelligence, bemused as he was, and he staggered back into the parlour. The General undid the fastenings of the door and walked out into the keen, bright morning air. When he returned an hour later, Jervase had drunk himself to sleep, and there was no further trouble with him.

Phil, looking at him, was suddenly able to see him and to think of him once more as Timmy, a boy with unusual qualities, but the same boy he had watched for years. He shook his head and felt somewhat bemused, as he had done once before. "Look, let's get a fresh start, Tim, and stop going in circles." "O. K., Uncle Phil." He was an eleven-year-old again, responding obediently.

Years fled away in silence, and the green star grew into a great splash of flame in the sky. A little later, I saw a thing that filled me with amazement. It was the ghostly outline of a vast crescent, in the night; a gigantic new moon, seeming to be growing out of the surrounding gloom. Utterly bemused, I stared at it.

I am not quite certain that women do not like this sort of thing; but really, after having bemused myself over DANIEL DERONDA, I have given up trying to understand what they like.

Stirrings and the noise of footsteps came from an adjoining room, and presently in his night attire Martin appeared, very bemused. "Mr. Addison," he began, and stared from me to my companion. "Let no one leave their rooms," said Gatton decisively, "until I give them permission." "Eh," began Martin heavily. "I am a police officer," added Gatton; "and you will all do as I direct.