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"D'y' see 'im?" he whispered "'E was starin' h'at us from behint them ice-piles. 'E was a Jap. I'll swear it." "Aw, you're seeing Japs to-night," laughed Dave. "Ow is she?" Jarvis asked of a gob whom they met. "Right as they make 'em now. But I'll say it was some job that. The shaft was twisted something awful like a corkscrew.

An' whin ye have th' door open" the car was rounding the corner, and Flannery stepped into the street "whin ye have th' door open th' door open" the car was where he could touch it "take th' cat out behint th' office an' bury it, an' if ye don't I'll fire ye out av yer job. Mind that!" The car sped by, and Flannery swung aboard.

"Is he daft?" he muttered to himself; "is he clean daft a'thegither, to bring lords and leddies, and a host of folk behint them, and twal o'clock chappit?"

But that's about as fer as he's got. He has big idees, an' is allus talkin' about this parish bein' behint the times." "And in what way?" "Oh, as regards the schools. They don't teach enough branches, sich as botany, drawin' an' sich like. What do the childern of Glendow want with botany stuck into their brains? Let 'em learn to read, write an' cipher. Them things will pay.

An' now he'll lay fer a chanst to git aven. Ut's th' besht ye c'n do loike he says, kape th' two eyes av ye to th' front an' moind yer own business only kape wan eye behint ye to look out fer throuble. Phwat fer job did he give yez?" "I am to start swamping, whatever that is, for the big Swede." The Irishman grinned. "Oi thoucht so; an' may God have mercy on yer sowl."

But she ain' been dar mo'n er week when one night she went a-traipsin' out on de street en lef er principles behint 'er, en, bless yo' life, oner dem ar Yankees breck right in en stole 'em smack 'way f'om 'er. Yo' trunk is a moughty risky place ter kyar yo' principles, but Viney, she wuz dat sot up." A nod of assent passed round the group.

"Zeke, he went," replied Cupid, "en Big Abel he wuz bleeged ter stay behint 'case his wife Saphiry she des put 'er foot right down. Ef'n he 'uz gwine off again, sez she, she 'uz des gwine tu'n right in en git mah'ed agin. She ain' so sho', nohow, dat two husban's ain' better'n one, is Saphiry, en she got 'mos' a min' ter try hit. So Big Abel he des stayed behint."

"Tat's a fine way of mine, when I can get behint a mon. I've killt mony a stot like it, shoost t' keep in the way of it." And he stabbed the air, twisted his wrist, and clicked delightedly. The men dumped the body near the fire. One of them stooped down and was for putting his hand in the man's pocket, but drew it back as if he had thrust it by mischance into the flames. Then I knew.

The brute wur still comin' nearer; but I noticed that he wur a-gwine slower an' slower, every now an' agin risin' to his hind-feet, clawin' his nose, an' sniffin' the air. "I seed that it wur the red blanket that puzzled him; an' seein' this, I crep' closter behint it, an' cached as much o' my karkidge as it 'ud kiver.

We're goin' down here aways, swing aroun', an' come in behint 'em." "Oh, hush, with your comin' in behint 'em. I've seen all 'a that I wanta. Don't tell me about comin' in behint " "Bill Smithers, he ses he'd rather been in ten hundred battles than been in that heluva hospital. He ses they got shootin' in th' night-time, an' shells dropped plum among 'em in th' hospital.