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It would not alter their dimensions. She begg'd I would try a single pair, which seemed to be the least. She held it open; my hand slipped into it at once. It will not do, said I, shaking my head a little. No, said she, doing the same thing.

In my return from Italy I brought him with me to the country in whose language he had learned his notes; and telling the story of him to Lord A-, Lord A- begg'd the bird of me; in a week Lord A- gave him to Lord B-; Lord B- made a present of him to Lord C-; and Lord C-'s gentleman sold him to Lord D-'s for a shilling; Lord D- gave him to Lord E-; and so on half round the alphabet.

I went up rather to the basket than him, and having lifted up the napkin, and taking one of his pates into my hand, I begg'd he would explain the appearance which affected me. The poor Chevalier won my pity, and he finished the scene with winning my esteem too.

My father begg'd and intreated, she would for once recede from her prerogative in this matter, and suffer him to choose for her; my mother, on the contrary, insisted upon her privilege in this matter, to choose for herself, and have no mortal's help but the old woman's. What could my father do?

She answered, she was guided by the same intention towards me; so we reciprocally thank'd each other. She was at the top of the stairs; and seeing no cicisbeo near her, I begg'd to hand her to her coach; so we went down the stairs, stopping at every third step to talk of the concert and the adventure.

The Old Gentleman was himself in a sort of a Wood, to find his Daughter with a Young Fellow and a Priest, but as yet he did not know the Worst, till Hippolito and Leonora came, and kneeling at his Feet, begg'd his Forgiveness and Blessing as his Son and Daughter.

If I do, said I, I shall perish; so I took her by the hand, and led her to the door, and begg'd she would not forget the lesson I had given her.

And a very good advertisement it was, no doubt. In later years another much-discussed accident befell Mr. Ryan. As he was going home from the theatre one night, the actor was attacked by a footpad, and received in his face two bullets which broke a portion of his jaw. Ryan, as I have been inform'd, begg'd his pardon for his mistake, and ran off.

Whilst this lasted, the monk rubbed his horn box upon the sleeve of his tunic; and as soon as it had acquired a little air of brightness by the friction he made me a low bow, and said, 'twas too late to say whether it was the weakness or goodness of our tempers which had involved us in this contest but be it as it would, he begg'd we might exchange boxes.

To the Bride they sent a Complement, wherein, having first begg'd her pardon for not knowing her Picture, they gave her to understand, that now they were not about to dispute her undoubted right to the Crown of Beauty, but the honour of being her Champions was the Prize they fought for, which they thought themselves as able to maintain as any other Pretenders.