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The youth came staggering and crying down the ladder, with tears and blood befouling his face, and stumbled as his foot touched the deck. The older man, Slade, saved him from falling, and held him by the upper arm with one gnarled, toil- roughened hand, peering at him through the early morning gloom. "Kicked you when you was down, didn't he?" he demanded abruptly.

As many dogs as Panurge found busy with his lady's robe at church, so many two-legged academic puppies have busied themselves with befouling the high marble pyramid in which is cemented for ever the seed of all fantastic and comic inventions, besides magnificent instruction in all things.

To keep oneself unspotted, to feel conscious of no sense of stain, to know, yes, to hear the heart repeat that this self hands, face, mouth and skin is free from all befouling touch, is all one's own.

"I ask for their lives not only, but for MERCY and JUSTICE to wipe out the tyranny and cruelty that are befouling all of us. I ask for a regenerated nation, purged of these vile offences." Robespierre was sinisterly serious now. The group of judges sat amazed. "Give Danton a hearing!" was the murmur among the sansculottes, half awed by his old witchery.

It looked like some terrible eruption breaking out on the smooth skin of the hill. His slow progress was like that of a slug, befouling beauty with a monstrous trail. Though the dipping gold-trace increased the man's work, he found consolation in the increasing richness of the pans.

Slowly this dump crept out on the beach, and in order to prevent the continuous attrition of the surf upon the outer edge of it from befouling the white-sand bathing-beach farther up the Bight of Tyee, The Laird had driven a double row of fir piling parallel with and beyond the line of breakers.

That anything in human shape should be found capable of dragging this life and this death through the mire of a hideous and befouling laughter! Who was responsible? To what cause could one trace such a temper of mind toward such an object present and militant as that temper is in all the crowded centres of working life throughout modern Europe?

Now as the Cornish boats came to the shoal of the further bank, Iseult said to the knights: “My lords, how shall I land without befouling my clothes in the river-mud? Fetch me a ferrymanAnd one of the knights hailed the pilgrim, and said: “Friend, truss your coat, and try the water; carry you the Queen to shore, unless you fear the burden

All day and every day they used their minds and their talents as writers in the making of puffs and the creating of myths concerning the men by whom they were employed. They were like the trained sheep that are used at great slaughter-houses to lead other sheep into the killing pens. Having befouled their own minds for hire, they made their living by befouling the minds of others.

There was nothing belonging to it of nature's grand instinct. It had not the inexorable brutality of primitive passion. Here was an old, or an elderly man, not driven by the force of normal, full-blooded desire, but craftily plotting, treacherously abusing his power, because he was rotten with impure whims befouling youth and innocence just to obtain a few faint voluptuous thrills.