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No marks on it, like there was on the other," he said, referring to the time one of the irons from Double Z had been found on the range of the boy ranchers. "But we brought it along, anyhow," and he exhibited a broken and charred piece of wood. "But we found more than that," he continued. "We found one steer they'd killed, for beef likely, after they'd blurred th' brand. There wasn't much left.

Bully beef wi' a pound or two o' raw flour, what you haven't got nothin' to cook wi' it do make a man feel a bit sick, I can tell 'ee, when it do come day arter day." "Dear heart alive," groaned his mother, "a body 'ud think they mid manage a bit better! Lard, to think on't! Tis all along o' the poor dear Queen bein' dead, ye mid be sure! There needs to be a woman at the head o' things!

"I used to be a white man, myself," he said, "before I lost my soap. What's the chance to git a bite of that bymeby?" He threw his hand out toward the pot of beef, which was sending out odors of a rich broth, flavored with onions and chili. Hardy looked at him again, little shrimp of a man that he was, and still with disapproval.

They going kill you." "That's about the way I was figuring it," mused Dean Drake. "Misser Dlake," said the Chinaman, with appealing eyes, "I velly solly you. They no hurtee me. Me cook." "Sam, there is much meat in your words. Condensed beef don't class with you. But reserve your sorrows yet a while.

"Right you are, Grummidge," replied the poor man in a faint voice, "so little time that if you leave me here the boys will only find some human beef to carry back, an' that won't be worth the trouble." "Don't say that, old chap," returned the other, in a low, gruff voice which was the result of tender feeling. "Keep up heart bless you, I'll be back in no time."

"Well, it's been emptier," he returned shortly. The man in blue struck a match and held it carefully to a dried pine branch, watching, with a serious face, as the flame licked the rosin from the crossed sticks. Then he placed a quart pot full of water on the coals, and turned to meet Dan's eyes, which had grown ravenous as he caught the scent of beef.

While in their midst we not only had fresh meat at every meal, but we cut the flesh in strips and tied it to the wagons to dry and thus provided a small supply of "jerked" meat. In the dry, pure air of this region, though in the heat of August, fresh meat did not spoil but simply dried up, if cut in moderate sized pieces. This was also found to be the case with fresh beef in the mountains.

"They are feeling at all the fords." "Are you going there?" "At once." "I will go with you." And I mounted my horse which stood saddled near by. Swallowing some mouthfuls of bread and beef as we rode on, we soon reached Mohun's command. It consisted of four regiments, drawn up in column, ready to move and at sight of the young sabreur, the men raised a shout.

A hundred yards beyond the last tongue of sage that reached out into it Breed could see a quarter of beef, two eagles jealously guarding it. Magpies and ravens flitted about, waiting for their share of the feast. One of the eagles made frequent moves to scatter them when they came too close, rushing at them with a queer hopping run, his wings half spread and trailing back.

He had, he said, brought but five turtle that day, but would fetch an equal number or more on the morrow if they could be obtained. The captain was pleased. Fresh food, he said, he was very anxious to obtain, as they had nothing on board but salt beef and mouldy biscuit.