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But it was neat, and there was an attempt at smartness in the bright calico curtains and bedspread. The furniture looked home-made, and there was no carpet on the floor. "Poor girl! poor girl!" exclaimed Betty, impulsively. "Have you ever been happy here?" "Well, I don't reckon I've been very happy, ever; but I've given some happiness and I've been loved and sheltered.

Frightened and bewildered, Katy turned appealingly to her father-in-law, who answered for her; "She meant it Genevra is not dead," while a blood-red flush stained Wilford's face, and his thin fingers beat the bedspread thoughtfully. "I fancied once that she was here that she was the nurse the boys praise so much.

"Minnie Eton's dyed her heavy lace curtains in coffee and has a new set made for the dining room, besides having a picture of the third boy enlarged for the parlor. She started crocheting the lace for a new bedspread for her company bedroom yesterday. And oh, my lands, I forgot to tell you the rest of that second-hand stove business.

Birch, flinging herself forward, gasped out: "If you'd just give him a caramel...there, in that box on the dressing-table...it's the only earthly thing to stop him..." and when Anna had proffered this sop to her assailant, and he had withdrawn with it beneath the bedspread, his mistress sank back with a laugh. "Isn't he a beauty?

I am going to make a birch-bark bedspread out of it. I'll cover a sheet with these pieces, you see, and sew them on. Then I can have autographs on them, and mottoes, and when I cover myself up with it I shall really feel like a dryad." "And here is what I have brought," said Mr. Raybold, holding up an armful of bark.

"Will you go to your room first? I didn't ask any one in for dinner. I supposed you would rather chat together of old times. You have become a tremendous celebrity, haven't you? Clyde is so proud of you." "I'll go to my room now," he said shortly. The valet had preceded him, opening his valise and smoothing out his evening clothes on the lace bedspread. "I'll attend to that," he said curtly.

He smiled with difficulty and made signs with his hand lying limply on the bedspread. It was not until the end of the second week, the twenty-sixth of March, that the fever left him entirely. He spoke, slept, had vivid dreams. In a tired voice and sometimes with a touch of humour, he told of the wild things that had passed through his brain.

I lost two games of cards one afternoon because somebody merely mentioned an ice wagon." The Doctor's long, slender fingers drummed absently on the bedspread. Presently he broke in quite irrelevantly on Mrs. Sequin's steady flow of talk: "I said chestnut brown, Katherine, they are more of a hazel, I should say, a deep hazel with considerable fire."

The common furniture, too the rickety deal dressing-table, the broken chair, the unpainted iron bedsteads thinking of her own airy, spacious, bedroom with its shining toilet-table, its linen bedspread, its big windows opening on to a view of the river and the fields beyond, Toni wondered how she had ever endured life in these sordid, depressing surroundings.

"Can you fancy that I will ever earn enough to pay such a price?" "Of course you will," said Oliver. "Don't be foolish, Allan you'll find it's easy enough to make money in New York. Leave it to me, and wait awhile." But the other was not to be put off. He sat down on the embroidered silk bedspread, and demanded abruptly, "What do you expect my income to be a year?"