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"By Jove, I will go!" screamed out George. "Give him this," said Becky, quite interested, and put a paper into the boy's hand. He had rushed down the stairs and flung across the street in a minute the yellow postilion was cracking his whip gently. William had got into the carriage, released from the embraces of his landlord. Then he felt in his waistcoat pocket and gave him a note.

But before we left Paris we burned the rest " "Oh, how dreadful," Becky cried. "No, it wasn't dreadful. They were not worth keeping. You see, I played a lot and made sketches and things, and then there was the war and I wasn't very well." He had had two years of aviation, and after that a desk in the War Department. "And now I am painting again." "Gardens?" Becky asked, "or the sea?" "Neither.

It was her way to know the trails over which she might be called to travel and since that day, three years before, when Sister Angela had met her on the road and made her startling proposition, Becky had subconsciously known that, in due time, she would be compelled to accept what then she had so angrily refused.

Becky burst out laughing once or twice when the Colonel, in his clumsy, incoherent way, tried to express his sentimental sorrows at the boy's departure. The poor fellow felt that his dearest pleasure and closest friend was taken from him. He looked often and wistfully at the little vacant bed in his dressing-room, where the child used to sleep.

They gradually wandered apart, dropped into the "dumps," and fell to gazing longingly across the wide river to where the village lay drowsing in the sun. Tom found himself writing "BECKY" in the sand with his big toe; he scratched it out, and was angry with himself for his weakness. But he wrote it again, nevertheless; he could not help it.

Back of her was young Randy Randy of the black locks, of the high-held head and Indian profile, Randy, with his air of Conqueror. "I've told them all about you," Becky said, "and they have read your story. Will you please present him properly, Grandfather, while I go and fix my hair?"

When they came to the white wicket-door of the garden, Aunt Rebecca hastily dropped his arm, on which she had leaned; and together they returned to the house very affably; and there Aunt Becky bid him good-bye in a whisper, a little hastily; and Puddock, so soon as he found Dominick, asked for the general. He had gone down to the river; and Puddock followed.

Thackeray's governess, whom he had himself chosen as his model of Becky, and who, in mingled love and revenge, personified him in return as Mr. Rochester.

"You are always my dear little girl," he assured her, "whatever you do you know that, don't you?" "Yes," she whispered, and laid her face against his sleeve. "Now we will go back," he said presently, and with Belinda and Becky in close attendance, they went up the hill together.

"Fanny always had low views," continued Becky. "But I always said I would marry a gentleman." "And I dare say," answered Pesach, stung into the retort, "Fanny could marry a gentlemen, too, if she wanted." Becky's idea of a gentleman was a clerk or a school-master, who had no manual labor except scribbling or flogging. In her matrimonial views Becky was typical.