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But the journey is hard. I may not see you again for some years. You go among strangers." He fell silent again. Motionless he had been, except for the mumbling of his lips beneath his beard. "It shall be just as you wish," he added a moment later. At once a conflict arose in the girl's mind between her restless dreams and her affections.

He and Agathemer stood up and looked at me and each other: I must have made a laughable spectacle, swaying as I knelt, my hands on the rock, my hair and beard mere clipped stubble, and I naked, with my back bleeding and both shoulders and one hip inflamed, purple-red and puffy.

It is old, very old, as we have already observed; it was there long before grandmother's grandmother was born; and yet it is but a child in comparison with the Au-mann, who is an old quiet personage, an oddity, with his hose of eel-skin, and his scaly jacket with the yellow lilies for buttons, and a wreath of reed in his hair and seaweed in his beard; but he looks very pretty for all that.

His nose was fine and strong, and if there was any deficiency in mouth or chin, it was hidden by a beard that swept down over his broad breast like the beard of a prophet. In his dress, which was noticeably soiled, the fashions of three decades were hinted at; he seemed to have donned whatever he thought his friends would most have liked him to leave off.

And in Philip's eyes grew a new admiration for this hulking cousin and enemy, who ate his pride for a woman. At the entrance to an upper room where hung a leather curtain, he stood aside. "Softly," he said through his beard. "No harsh words. Send the child in first." So Philip went ponderously away and left Charles to cool his heels and wait.

Not, indeed, in their outward pomp; the furniture of the chamber was but a grade above that of the artisan's; the dress of the great man was coarse and simple; if personal vanity peeped out anywhere, it was in the careful arrangement of the bushy beard, and of the few curling locks which the tonsure had spared.

James with a three months’ beard on his chin, who shouted— “Have me shaved, good archbishop! Let me take my place in this grand cavalcade, and I promise not to grow a beard again.” The archbishop enjoined silence; and calling for one of his acolytes, he ordered him to stop the procession for half an hour, to have the horse carrying the other St.

They will cut and shave the hair the first time they are used, at the first cut nearly as well as a steel razor, but they lose their edge at the second cut; and so, to finish shaving one's beard or hair, one after another has to be used; though indeed they are cheap, and spoiling them is of no consequence.

He was a handsome, powerful man, of about forty, with a fine black beard, dressed in a flowing gown, and covered by a flat-topped black cap. By degrees, and slowly, in came the college of the dervishes, and seated themselves as their dean was seated; but they sat on the floor in a circle, which spread away from the tribune, getting larger and larger in its dimensions as fresh dervishes came in.

"What would ye be, then? Woodmen? Verderers?" "Nay, soldiers," they cried both together. "By the beard of my father! but ye are whelps of the true breed. Why so keen, then, to be soldiers?" "That we may fight the Scots," they answered. "Daddy will send us to fight the Scots." "And why the Scots, my pretty lads?