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"On the contrary," Mrs. O'James answered, with a saucy little jerk of the chin. "He has just asked me to be his wife." As Professor Ainslie Grey ascended the steps of his house, the hall-door opened and a dapper gentleman stepped briskly out. He was somewhat sallow in the face, with dark, beady eyes, and a short, black beard with an aggressive bristle.

Slowly, with her black beady eyes fixed on Betty Jo's face, Judy went up the steps. As the mountain girl reached the level of the porch-floor, Betty Jo drew a little back toward the door. Judy stopped instantly, and stood still. Then, in a low tone, she said: "You-all ain't got no call ter be afeared, Miss Betty Jo. You hain't never goin' ter have no call ter be scared of me again, never."

Neither of them noticed Van Meter, who also lived at Babylon in the summer, board the train as it pulled out of the station. He was a pompous little man, short and red-faced, with gray side whiskers and bald head. His eyes were sharp and beady and shined like shoe-buttons. Piety and thrift were written all over him.

When Blackie turned abruptly Thornton looked squarely into the black eyes, seeing there an unusually beady brightness, something of the hint of a quick frown upon the thin slick line of the eyebrows. "Driver and guard will both be needing their shooting irons before they see the border, Blackie," Thornton said quietly.

He can tell us all about the game. Ben is a character. However, you mustn't mind his blunt way of speaking. The old fellow is all right at heart." Ben came over later in the evening, and the boys were much interested in him. A thick shock of shaggy hair covered his head and face, while through the mass of gray and brown twinkled a pair of bright, beady eyes.

His beady black eyes saw bargains where other men saw bankruptcy. He bought a fish-pond for a song, which later paid five hundred per cent and was the opening wedge by which he monopolized the fish market of Honolulu. He did not talk for publication, nor figure in politics, nor play at revolutions, but he forecast events more clearly and farther ahead than did the men who engineered them.

The beady eyes of the Chis-chis-chash beamed malevolently on the white chief the blood-thirst, the warrior's itch, was upon them. After an understanding had been arrived at, the Indian war-chief turned to his people and spoke. "We will go back to our village. The Yellow-Eyes do not want us among their carts they are afraid. We will camp near by them to-night, and tomorrow we will exchange gifts.

Now, roused from his perusal by Najib's query, Logan saw that the little Syrian has ceased wrestling with the shipment items and was peering over his employer's shoulder, his beady eyes fixed in keen curiosity on the printed page. "I enseeched you to tell me, howadji," said Najib, "who has been threatening that poor general.

Hiram even now did not forget his punctilious salaam before departing. Never had he seemed more the beautiful serpent with the shining scales than the instant he bent gracefully at Democrates’s feet, the red light falling on his gleaming ear and nose rings, his smooth brown skin and beady eyes. The door turned on its pivotsclosed. Democrates heard the retiring footsteps.

Maybe you've seen the Lib'ty Bonds somewhere an' you'd tell me just where to look." The beetle winked his beady eyes rapidly, but of course he didn't say a word. Presently a striped chipmunk appeared on a stump opposite the one where Sunny sat, and he, too, stared at Sunny intently. "I'm going! I'm going right away!" Sunny assured the chipmunk hastily. "Daddy says you wood folks like to be alone.