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I don't think she'll be very long this evening. Can I give her any message, Mr. Baxter, in case you don't see her?" Laurie put his hat and stick down carefully, and crossed his legs. "No; I don't think so, thanks," he said. "The fact is, I came partly to find out your address, if I might." Mrs. Stapleton rustled and rearranged herself. "Oh! but that's charming of you," she said.

He ministered to her bodily and mental sufferings, and thus secured her gratitude and confidence. On her recovery, under the influence of his warnings and admonitions, the gay young girl became thoughtful and serious, abandoned her light books and companions, and devoted herself to the duties of a Christian profession. Baxter was her counsellor and confidant.

An' then he needed the rest o' the money an' you an' papa wouldn't give him any, an' so he began countin' shingles to-day 'cause to-night's the night of the party an' he just HASS to have it!" Mrs. Baxter, who had risen to her feet, recalled the episode of the baskets and sank into a chair.

Miguel turned with a rapid gesture and closed the door. Then, drawing her away from the window, he said in a hurried whisper, "I know that that man has not the name of Baxter! I know that he has the name of Randolph, a young gambler, who have won a large sum at Sacramento, and, fearing to be robbed by those he won of, have walk to himself through the road in disguise of a miner.

They afterwards held a long conference with respect to freedom of conscience, Cromwell defending his liberal policy, and Baxter opposing it.

Such is the uncertainty of the human character. Yesterday, a common soldier to-day, the ruler of an empire to-morrow, suspended upon the gallows. In an adjoining room I saw a portrait of Baxter, which gives one a pretty good idea of the great Nonconformist. In the same room hung a splendid modern portrait, without any intimation in the guide-book of who it represented, or when it was painted.

The girls were huddled close to a window, looking out into the rain, when Dan Baxter threw aside the pipe he had been smoking and approached them. "See here, girls," he said, "why can't we be friends? What is the use of being enemies in such a place as this?" "Dan Baxter, we want you to keep your distance," said Nellie coldly.

Maggie still stared at her a moment, as if questioning both herself and the other, and finally handed the letter across with an abrupt movement. "Read it," she said. It was rather a business to read it. It involved spectacles, a pushing aside of a plate, and a slight turning to catch the light. Mrs. Baxter read it, and handed it back, making three or four times the sound written as "Tut."

"Never mind Dan Baxter," growled Mumps, growing red in the face; and then the two yachts moved so far apart that further talk was impossible. "Well, I didn't expect to meet him," muttered Dick, after the three brothers had cooled down a bit. "He must have known we were in this boat." "I saw his craft last night, down near Catskill," said Tom. "I'll wager he has been following us up."

Against the 'drollery of Sadducism, the Psychical Researchers within the English Church, like Glanvill and Henry More, or beyond its pale, like Richard Baxter and many Scotch divines, defended witchcraft and apparitions as outworks of faith in general.