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Batter in the door, boys; a few strokes and it will be done." The ram thundered against the door. I at that moment looked through my loophole, and I caught sight of a party in reserve, who the next instant sent a shower of bullets rattling against the shutters and walls, one shot narrowly missing my head as it whistled through the loophole.

To ponder over the works and the daring conceptions of Stevinus, to build up and to batter the wooden blocks of mimic citadels; to arrange in countless combinations, great armies of pewter soldiers; these were the occupations of his leisure-hours. Yet he was hardly suspected of bearing within him the germs of the great military commander.

This manner of enclosure was in some respects superior to a wall of masonry. It was equally unscalable, and much more difficult to undermine or batter down. The pen was longest due north and south. It was divided in the center by a creek about a yard wide and ten inches deep, running from west to east.

"The white is so drunk, that he cannot lie down without holding on to the mast; but the negro is either a cheat, or his head is made of flint." "I hope you have not too easily abandoned the design." "I would as soon batter a mountain! my retreat was not made a minute too soon."

"Come on, Don," he called. "Easy-picking here; easy picking. Put it right over." Tim had signaled for the drop. Don swallowed a lump in his throat. Would the ball break true? Would this broad-shouldered young man who stood so confidently at the plate hammer it a mile? "Come on, now," cried Tim. Don pitched. The batter swung and missed. "Easy picking," chanted Tim.

Still, even now, there are many batters for whom there is no reason to play a deep right field, and such a batter should often be thrown out at first. Yet the only player whom I have seen make the play this season was Brown, of Boston, who threw out Titcomb twice in one game on the Polo Ground.

A short time afterwards his mother was making a batter-pudding, and Tom being very anxious to see how it was made, climbed up to the edge of the bowl; but unfortunately his foot slipped and he plumped over head and ears into the batter, unseen by his mother, who stirred him into the pudding-bag, and put him in the pot to boil.

One man got a hit, stole second, and went to third on an error that allowed the batter to reach first. Sport Harris had been disappointed when Merriwell continued to remain in the box, but now he said: "He's rattled. Here's where they kill him." But Frank proved that he was not rattled.

All being prepared, Otter made his rope fast to the staff and descended rapidly to the cave below. As his feet touched the ground, the priests began to batter upon the doors of the cell with beams of wood, or some such heavy instruments. "Quick, Juanna!" said Leonard, "sit in this noose and hold the line, we will let you down. Hurry, those doors cannot stand for long."

"Her ain't of the Walden blood " Sally remarked, breathlessly beating the golden brown batter. Sandy winced. "But her has caught the manners." "And," Sandy steered away from the danger ground, "we'll have the Home-school. It must be a home first; a school afterward, Sally. I want the baby-things to have the 'lickings' of cakes and puddings in the kitchen it is to be a great, big, sunny kitchen!