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He was wrapped in a bathrobe and was calmly raising a match to his pipe-bowl. The averted face was looking, Eben bitterly told himself, at the door which he could not see; was watching it open to admit Conscience Tollman. Now was the appointed time! Now were the judgments loosened!

She put down her tea and held her arms out to him. "Come feel," she said. She loosened the bathrobe and guided Oliver's hand to her belly, warm and taut. "Amazing!" Oliver said. "I'm still getting used to it," she said. "I'm over the morning sickness." Oliver withdrew his hand slowly and straightened. "What are you going to do?" "Tonight?" "Well, for starters . . ." "I don't know.

Presently the doctor stuck his head out of an upper window and called: "Zip, for mercy's sake, shut up! What is the matter with you?" But when in the bright moonlight he saw it was not Zip, but a strange dog instead, with Zip lying at his feet, and when he heard Zip groan, he hurriedly stepped into his bathrobe and slippers and came downstairs.

I was trembling with cold, drenched as with water so that my relaxing hand made a wet mark on the table beneath the lamp. This much might have been caused by nightmare. But what sane man had nightmares like these? When I was able, I rose, changed to dry garments and wrapped myself in a heavy bathrobe.

He had on his blue bathrobe, and the open neck showed his strong white throat. "My dear," he said, "I've been thinking of what you said this morning about my lack of belief and the effect it has had on yours. And I'm sorry." "Being sorry doesn't help any, does it, Ridgeley?" "I should like to think that you had your old faiths to comfort you."

"How nice you are!" cried Sister, sitting up to look at Dick, who, indeed, did seem very nice, though he was without his coat. "I'm twenty minutes late now," growled Dick. "I've hunted everywhere for my collar buttons and studs, and I can't find them." Before Sister could say anything, in pranced Brother, very pink and clean from his hot bath and treading on his gray bathrobe at every other step.

Such was the relief he experienced that he found himself feeling almost affectionate toward Freddie, who emerged from the bathroom at this moment, clad in a pink bathrobe, to find the paternal wrath evaporated, and all, so to speak, right with the world. Nevertheless, he wasted no time about his dressing.

Whitney, for instance, offering me a job at ten dollars a week in his bank I'll kill him. I can't do that. I won't. At the end of about ten days, I'd run amuck. What I'd really like," he concluded, "for about a year would be just this." His gesture indicated the bathrobe, the easy chair and the dainty breakfast table. "This, all the morning and a ball-game in the afternoon.

MacVeigh of the British army rose defiantly in the North La Salle Street hall bedroom. The herculean captain, attired in a tattered bathrobe, underwear, socks and one slipper, patted the bottom of the iron with his finger and then carefully applied it to a trouser leg stretched on an ironing board in front of him.

I pulled it wide open." "I heard the noise of the escaping steam." She came close and stood beside him, where he sat, half dressed and ruddy in his bathrobe. He put up both arms and held her, lifting his head for her kiss, which he returned with interest. "That's the first nice thing that's happened to me to-day since the one I had when I left you this morning," he remarked.