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A crime against any member of the ruler's household comes under a separate category and need not be tried in public sessions. For entering a royal harem or addressing a woman of title the sentences range from the bastinado to solitary confinement for life. No wonder Kalora waited in trembling. Like every other provincial she had much respect for the indigenous constabulary.

My lord, said she, covering his shoulders, which were always bare while he was under the bastinado, I ask a thousand pardons for my inhuman treatment of you formerly, and for what you feel at this time. Till now I was afraid of disobeying a father who is unjustly enraged against you, and resolved on your destruction; but at last I loathe and abhor this barbarity.

I am bound over to keep the peace, like Captain Bobadil Ha, knight, did you hear my bones clatter? that blow came twankingly off the fellow might inflict the bastinado, were it in presence of the Grand Seignior he has no taste for music, knight is no way moved by the 'concord of sweet sounds. I will warrant him fit for treason, stratagem, and spoil Eh? all down in the mouth well I'll go to sleep to-night on a bench, as I've done many a night, and I will be ready to be hanged decently in the morning, which never happened to me before in all my life

For several miles we came along as pleasantly as needs be, and never did I see a horse do his business in better style. I hope you are not tired. Well, as you wish me, I will finish my history. Just at the third milestone I felt a shock on the soles of my feet as if I had been receiving the bastinado.

I am fallen again into the same dream and illusion that happened to me a month ago, and must expect again the bastinado and grated cell at the mad-house. Almighty God," added he, "I commit myself into the hands of thy divine providence. He was a wicked man that I entertained at my house last night, who has been the cause of this illusion, and the hardships I must again undergo.

Yes, the bastinado, the jellab but I'll stand firm! Allah! Allah! Bismillah! Why does Abd er-Rahman hate me? It's because I'm his brother that's it, that's it! But I've never risen against him. Never, never! I've paid him all! All! I tell you I've paid everything. I've got nothing left. You know it yourself, Israel, you know it."

Long after that period I saw men who, after the lapse of five months from the infliction of the bastinado, had their feet and legs swelled to a form as if produced by elephantiasis.

Egyptian granite that has defied the storms and earthquakes of all time has nothing to fear from the tack-hammers of ignorant excursionists highwaymen like this specimen. He failed in his enterprise. We sent a sheik to arrest him if he had the authority, or to warn him, if he had not, that by the laws of Egypt the crime he was attempting to commit was punishable with imprisonment or the bastinado.

Tour in the Jereed of Captain Balfour and Mr. Reade. Sidi Mohammed. Plain of Manouba. Tunis. Tfeefleeah. The Bastinado. Turkish Infantry. Kairwan. Sidi Amour Abeda. Saints. A French Spy Administration of Justice. The Bey's presents. The Hobara. Ghafsa. Hot streams containing Fish. Snakes. Incantation. Moorish Village. The tourists were Captain Balfour, of the 88th Regiment, and Mr.

"The cadi decided as follows: That I had stolen the money, and therefore I was punished with the bastinado; but, as the old woman stated that the bag contained seven hundred sequins, and there were found in it upwards of eleven hundred, that the money could not belong to her. He therefore retained it until he could find the right owner.