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When placed about the rim or base, these fillets are often indented with the finger or an implement in a way to imitate, rudely, a heavy twisted cord a feature evidently borrowed from basketry. Nodes are likewise attached in various ways to the neck and body of the vessel.

The articles consisted of fragments of basketry, bundles of fibers and pieces of fabrics, pieces of arrowshafts, fragments of grinding stones, three sandals of woven yucca fiber, two of them new and nearly perfect, and a number of pieces of cotton cloth, the latter scattered over the room and in several instances gummed to the floor.

It was indeed Puffy, with his plushy brown head, his bright, shoe-button eyes, his red-tipped, sharply pointed nose, his adorably tiny ears, and deep-cut, tightly shut, determined mouth. It was Puffy, as dear as ever! As old and as squashy! He stood up in the hamper to look at her, leaning his front paws in rather a dignified manner on the broken edge of the basketry.

I will illustrate by examples, the last point first. Going back to basketry, we find already the fully developed fret.

Other and much more elaborate examples may be found in the basketry of almost all countries. Vessel with esthetic characters of form. In the pursuit of this class of enrichment there is occasionally noticeable a tendency to overload the subject with extraneous details.

In the more advanced stages of Pueblo art the ornament of nearly all the textiles is pervaded by ideographic characters, generally rude suggestions of life forms, borrowed, perhaps, from mythologic art. This is true of much of the coiled basketry of the Moki Indians.