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Hammered gold it was five pound weight, like a hoop of a barrel. "'Peachey, says Dravot, 'we don't want to fight no more. The Craft's the trick, so help me! and he brings forward that same Chief that I left at Bashkai Billy Fish we called him afterwards, because he was so like Billy Fish that drove the big tank-engine at Mach on the Bolan in the old days.

He used to call in Billy Fish from Bashkai, and Pikky Kergan from Shu, and an old Chief we call Kafuzelum it was like enough to his real name and hold councils with 'em when there was any fighting to be done in small villages. That was his Council of War, and the four priests of Bashkai, Shu, Khawak, and Madora was his Privy Council.

The priests rolled great stones on us, and the regular Army fired hard, and there wasn't more than six men, not counting Dan, Billy Fish, and Me, that came down to the bottom of the valley alive. "Then they stopped firing, and the horns in the temple blew again. 'Come away for Gord's sake come away! says Billy Fish. 'They'll send runners out to all the villages before ever we get to Bashkai.

"'Billy Fish, says I to the Chief of Bashkai, 'what's the difficulty here? A straight answer to a true friend. "'You know, says Billy Fish. 'How should a man tell you who knows everything? How can daughters of men marry Gods or Devils? It's not proper.

'King, says he, 'be you man or God or Devil, I'll stick by you to-day. I have twenty of my men with me, and they will follow me. We'll go to Bashkai until the storm blows over. "A little snow had fallen in the night, and everything was white except the greasy fat clouds that blew down and down from the north.

"'What is up, Fish? I say to the Bashkai man, who was wrapped up in his furs and looking splendid to behold. "'I can't rightly say, says he; 'but if you can make the King drop all this nonsense about marriage, you'll be doing him and me and yourself a great service.

“‘That may besays Billy Fish, ‘and yet I should be sorry if it wasHe sinks his head upon his great fur cloak for a minute and thinks. ‘Kingsays he, ‘be you man or god or devil, I’ll stick by you to-day. I have twenty of my men with me, and they will follow me. We’ll go to Bashkai until the storm blows over

They called the village we took along with the Chief, Bashkai, and the first village we took, Er-Heb. The priests at Er-Heb was doing all right, but they had a lot of pending cases about land to show me, and some men from another village had been firing arrows at night. I went out and looked for that village and fired four rounds at it from a thousand yards.

"'What is up, Fish? I says to the Bashkai man, who was wrapped up in his furs and looking splendid to behold. "'I can't rightly say, says he; 'but if you can induce the King to drop all this nonsense about marriage, you'll be doing him and me and yourself a great service.

I was too heart-sick to care, though it was all his foolishness that brought the smash. "'I'm sorry, Dan, says I, 'but there's no accounting for natives. This business is our Fifty-seven. Maybe we'll make something out of it yet, when we've got to Bashkai.